I Want You To Disappear

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    Prince Zee was in the living room of his condominium. Cora was sleeping peacefully on his lap. Saint was happily cooking in the kitchen while humming his favourite song. The Prince could not remember the last time he was this content. He could smell the delicious food and his stomach growled. He gently moved Cora from his lap and put her sleeping furry form with her kittens who were sleeping on the carpet near his feet. Prince Zee smiled at how happy he felt looking down at the small furry family. He stroke Gordon's pudgy face and then his round rotund tummy.

"Saint fed you too much!" The Prince muttered while nodding.

Gordon opened his eyes and hissed. Prince Zee laughed at the furry minuscule fur ball.

"You're a feisty one huh?" He murmured as he continued to stroke Gordon's belly.

Prince Zee stood up and walked towards the kitten where Saint was busy cooking. There were already 2 dishes on the counter and he wondered what else could Saint be cooking. He peeked over Saint's shoulder and he smiled. Saint was stirring his favourite dish Tom Yum Goong.

"My favourite! How did you know?" The Prince then wrapped his arms around Saint. He put his face at the crook of Saint's neck and inhaled his scent.
"Stop it! I'm ticklish!" Saint reprimanded him.
"When can we eat?" Prince Zee asked as he put his head on Saint's shoulder while watching him stir the bubbling pot.
"Soon." Saint replied.
"How soon?" The Prince asked again.
"As in soon?" Saint answered exasperatedly.
"Now?" Saint turned off the stove.
"You were teasing me!" Prince Zee complained.
"You were impatient!"
"I AM still impatient! Not WERE impatient." The Prince stressed.
"Your Highness?"
"Can you let go?" Saint requested as he patted Prince Zee's arms encircling his body.
"Please?" Saint murmured.
"No." Prince Zee tightened his arms.
"I thought you're hungry?" Saint stated.
"I am." The Prince's voice turned husky.
"Let me feed you... FOOD." Saint replied.
"What's for dessert?" The Crown Prince questioned.
"Your favourite." Saint replied.
"I have a lot of favourite desserts." Prince Zee responded.
"Just name one." Saint muttered.
"YOU!" The Prince informed him.
"STOP IT!" Saint was blushing.
"You are adorable."
"I'm a guy! I'm not adorable!" Saint did not look happy.
"You are!"
"I hate that word."
"How should I describe you then?" Prince Zee asked.
"You're not handsome." The Prince retorted.
"I am handsome! My father said so." Saint huffed.
"I am not your father." Prince Zee stated.
"Of course you are not!" Saint rolled his eyes.
"To me you are not only adorable but you are sexy." The Prince grinned when he could see Saint's neck and face turned red.

Prince Zee suddenly kissed Saint's neck and that made him giggle and squirm.

"Stop it!" Saint then laughed.

The Prince continued to rain kisses on the back of Saint's neck that made Saint giggled even more.

"Careful... Follow me." Prince Zee pulled Saint away from the stove worried that Saint could hurt himself from the steaming hot tom yum Goong on the stove.
"I was careful... You're the one who made me all ticklish!" Saint said accusingly.
"I'm sorry." Prince Zee apologised but he still had his arms securely wrapped around Saint's waist.
"Can you let go now?" Saint asked him and smiled.
"Can I not let you go?" The Prince murmured.
"Like forever?" He added.
"Stop fooling around!" Saint tugged the Prince's arms.
"Okay..." Prince Zee whispered and kissed Saints neck for the last time.
'"Hey!" Saint giggled again.

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