Pain In The Ass

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************** 1 Year and 6 Months Later ***************

    Saint walked down  the stairs and straight away got into the kitchen. He contemplated on whether he should make breakfast that morning. He didn't feel like cooking so he grabbed a banana and a small carton of milk. He then opened  the door to the garage. He got into his car and started it while  munching on the banana. Saint pressed the button on the remote control  for the garage door. The morning sun streamed into the garage as the  garage door opened. Saint strapped on his seat belt and began his journey  to the cemetery. He turned on the radio and listened to some songs  while driving. He hummed to some songs that he knew and he stayed quiet  while listening to songs he was unfamiliar with. It was rather early so the  traffic was not as bad as it could be. He knew that he  needed to stop at a florist to get a bouquet of flowers before heading  to the cemetery. Saint made a left turn and he could see the florist  that his mother loved. He parked his car right in front of the shop and  slowly got out of the car. He waved at the owner of the florist who was  busy arranging flowers inside the shop. She waved and smiled back at  Saint. His family had known the lady since as long as Saint could  remember. Saint walked inside the florist and hugged her. After that,  she brought out a bouquet of flowers. Saint smiled.

"I made this for you." She said.
"You always know his favourite." Saint replied.
"Who wouldn't?" She smiled and gave the bouquet to Saint.
'Thank you." Saint returned her smile but his smile was void of happiness.
"I can't believe that he is gone." She murmured.
"I think about him every day since the day he passed away." Saint whispered.
"I miss him so much." Saint shared and his eyes teared up.
"He would not want you to be sad Saint." She patted his arm.
"I know." Saint nodded.
"How much does this cost?" Saint asked her and then he paid her the amount.

    Saint got back into  his car and put the bouquet on the passenger seat meant to him  carefully. The scent of the flowers wafted in the car. He carefully reversed  and started driving towards the cemetery. The past year or so was  chaotic to say the least to Saint. He could not believe the changes that  happened in his life. Saint let out his breath and focused on the  traffic in front of him. Ali gave him the car he was driving as a  birthday present. Initially he refused to accept the car but Sheikh  Muhammad Ali was beyond relentless. He did not want Saint riding his  motorcycle nor his bicycle around Chiang Mai as much as before. Even when  Saint argued that it was bad for the environment, the Sheikh got him a  top of the line Mercedes that used electricity. He accepted the present  reluctantly but that made his friend deliriously happy. In Saint's  opinion, the car was simply too big and too much for him. Nonetheless,  he could not say no to his good friend. He still cycled around Chiang Mai because it was one of his favourite things to do.

    He could see the  junction to the cemetery and Saint signalled to the right. Saint waited  for the traffic to clear up and turned right. He parked his car in the  relatively empty spacious parking area and left his car. He slowly  walked into the cemetery with the bouquet of flowers held firmly in his hand.  There were not many visitors that morning at the cemetery.  Saint made  his way deeper into the cemetery. The sun was getting a little higher  when Saint arrived at a familiar looking gravestone. Saint had been  visiting the same gravestone for many months now. He still could not  shake away the feelings of sadness and loss. He sighed and smiled down at  the gravestone. Then, he gently lay the bouquet of flowers on it. Saint  touched the cold headstone and tried to keep his tears at bay.

"I miss you." Saint whispered.

    Then, Saint stood up  and simply looked down at the headstone. Saint learned how precious  life is and how fragile life can be. One moment you could be alive and  one moment later you could be taken away forever. One second you could  be happily having fun with your loved ones and a second later everything  is taken away from you. He learned to appreciate every moment he had as nobody knew when your life could be taken away from you.

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