The Hero

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15 Years Later

18 year old Saint Suppapong was packing the last of his suitcase. In a few days, he would be heading to his college about 150 kilometres away from his hometown. He was happy that he got the chance to study there as it was one of the best Royal University Colleges under the Siam Royal Academy, namely King Dusit Royal University College. Following his grandfather's footsteps, he dreamed of becoming a chef. Since young he could remember helping his mother in the kitchen and preparing dinner for his family as young as 10 years old. He smiled looking around his small bedroom and it was the room where he grew up after the family came back from Qatar. He loved this room and he knew that he would definitely miss it. A smile lit up his face as fond memories of his room crossed his mind.

His was about to fold some old clothes that he wanted to donate when his phone rang. It was his school friend, HwaHwa. She invited him to hang out with her and some school friends at a cafe near his high school. All of them including himself were heading to colleges all around the country. This could be the last time they could hang out together. Saint looked at the time and accepted her invitation. He texted his mother before leaving. He knew he was 18 years old age and did not have to tell everything to his mother, yet it was a force of habit that he developed from young. When he he was small he went missing one day and after that incident, his parents had drilled him to tell, inform, call, text or email them his whereabouts. He sometimes wondered how his life in college would be. Whether he would still tell his parents his whereabouts.

Saint loved to cycle everywhere. He owned 3 bicycles and he loved each and everyone of them. He worked hard to buy the three bicycles by working at his father's office during school holidays or helping his elderly grandfather at his restaurant. In a small town like this, it was a luxury that he enjoyed. He knew how hectic certain cities and towns could be. He knew cycling could be a dangerous endeavour in certain places. He cycled past his old high school and he smiled. He loved the school and especially his friends. He knew he would miss his friends the most after leaving for college. Saint was also hopeful that he would meet new awesome friends that would make his college life a fun and memorable one. He then passed a little lake just after his high school. He loved going there to cycle and also to jog. He and his friends also spent time picnicking there as well.

Saint was humming to his favourite song while turning left when he saw a group of terrifying men chasing a man. Saint could see that the man's shirt was torn and covered in blood. He wanted to help the man but he was rather apprehensive as they men chasing the bedraggled man looked extremely dangerous. His mind raced as to how he could help. He suddenly got an idea. As the bloody man run past him, Saint immediately jumped off his bicycle and pushed the bicycle towards the group of men. 2 men fell but unfortunately 2 more continued to chase the other man.

"What are you doing kid?" One man growled as he stood up.
"You're hurting him! Stay away! Or I'll call the police." Saint answered.
"You don't know what you're doing!" He yelled and kicked his bicycle in the process.
"I know what I'm doing! I'm calling the police!" Saint answered. His voice quivering.

    The man was utterly humongous and tall. He stood so close to Saint that made Saint crane his neck to look up. Fear began to creep into Saint's heart. The bravery that urged him to help the man had vaporised into nothingness. He began to tremble and slowly took a step back. The burly man followed him. He then took another step and before he could take another step back; he could feel someone was behind him. Saint felt as if he could die at any moment. He frantically tried to think of ways to run away. He had nothing on him except his backpack. What could he do? He maybe could outrun these people but how? Saint tried calming his frazzled nerves. He had to do something because if not; he would surely be dead.

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