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"How is he?" Max questioned the doctor.
"The prognosis is not good Mr Nattapol."
"Save him!"
"We are Sir!" Another doctor replied before they headed into the operating theatre.

Max stood watching the doors flapping behind the group of doctors. Tul could die. He could lose Tul forever. It was something that he could never have imagined. Even working with Thailand Royal Secret Service, which made him deal with deaths sometimes could not prepare him when it came to losing Tul. Max used the wall behind him to support himself. His legs felt weak. He had not informed Tul's sister about his condition. Maybe it was time for him to do so; so that she could prepare herself for the inevitable. Max tried to calm his nerves but it was useless. His cellphone had been vibrating like crazy for the past hours but he had not picked up any of the calls. Max knew he was in trouble for abandoning his responsibilities. Nonetheless, Tul had taken precedence in his life and not the Crown Prince. It was ironic because he left Tul to be in Royal Secret Service and now he left his team because of Tul.

"Max Nattapol!!!" A voice boomed and Max cringed by its ferocity. It was his superior. It was someone whom he really knew.
"Brother." Max faced the angry man.
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Here." Max replied.
"Don't be smart with me Max!" His brother barked.
"You disobeyed a direct order and you did not even answer your damn phone." Max's brother growled.
"I'm sorry Maddox." Max replied.
"That doesn't cut it Max." Maddox limped closer to his brother.
"You have responsibilities to your superiors and to you subordinates. You just can't leave your subordinates running around like headless fucking chickens! You have to answer to me and the King!" Maddox ranted.
"Excuse me Sir." A nurse interrupted Maddox.
"This is a hospital. Could you please have your... conversation elsewhere." The nurse glared at Maddox.
"Follow me Max. Now!" Maddox instructed.
"I resign. You will have my letter of resignation by tomorrow." Max answered.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!!!" Maddox asked him.
"I quit Maddox. I don't want to burden you or my team. I am not 100% ready to serve the Royal Secret Service anymore." Max murmured.
"Prince Zee is YOUR fucking responsibility Max."
"And I failed." Max responded.
"Follow me back to headquarter."
"Maddox... Please... I followed you because I felt I needed to follow your footsteps. To be your shadow... because of what you lost because of me."
"Max... You are extremely good at what you do... You are a valuable asset."
"Yet I failed but that's not even the reason why I quit."
"Is it because of Tul?" Maddox questioned him.
"You left him."
"I did."
"You hurt him." Maddox continued.
"I did."
"All these years and now you changed your fucking mind?!!" Maddox asked him.
"My mind is no longer solely on the Crown Prince. He's not my priority. I would be a hindrance to you and your team. Life is at stake if you still want me on your team Maddox!" Max explained.
"I shall give you until tomorrow... I need a complete report and you still need to report to The King." Maddox growled leaving Max behind.
"Brother!" Max called Maddox.
"You know what is best for the team and me." Max said.
"Fuck off Max! Don't try to teach me!" Maddox spat before leaving.

Max stared at his brother limping away from him and then he disappeared behind a corner. He immediately stared at the operating theatre doors that were still closed. He prayed that Tul was going to make it. He prayed that Tul could continue making his wonderful desserts. He prayed that Tul could be happy with his family and friends. He was not sure how to contact Tul's sister. He fished out his cellphone and blew out a breath when he saw the numerous missed calls there. He searched for his trusted confidant and called her. He requested that if she could help him find Tul's sister Anne. She agreed to locate Anne for him. The girl must be worried sick for her brother. After the chaos, everyone must be frantically searching for their loved ones.

"Love?" Max whispered and turned his head again towards the operating theatre.
"You have to pull through Tul." Max murmured and prayed that he could wake up from this nightmare.

HIS ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS (COMPLETE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu