A World Is Gone

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    The cosy but elegant dining room was filled laughter. Saint and a few of Sheikh Muhammad Ali's butlers were serving Saint's dessert called Mossy Forest. Saint was trying his best to hide his tumultuous feelings from his parents and his friends. Everyone was in awe by his latest creation. The Sheikh's younger sister was beaming with pride as she had sampled the dish much earlier than the other people in the dining room. Sheikh  Muhammad Ali was teasing her saying that she would gain a lot of weight before Saint headed back to Thailand. The other people in the room laughed at the two siblings arguing with one another.

"Aisha you shouldn't eat too much! You might not fit into your pricey designer jeans." Sheikh Muhammad Ali joked.
"My father and brothers are one of the richest people in the world and they can't buy me new jeans? PATHETIC!" Aisha responded and that brought a smile on the Sheikh's face.
"Hey Saint... Please don't go back to Thailand... Stay here with us. You can even open a dessert restaurant here." Aisha suggested while smiling at Saint.
"I own one mall near the palace... Maybe we can have that restaurant there." Aisha pondered.
"One mall? Really sister?" Sheikh Muhammad Ali teased her.
"3 malls... 3... Sometimes I forgot how many that I actually own." Aisha blushed.
"You own them... But your boyfriend manages them."
"Shush!" Aisha glared at her brother.
"Saint, I agree with Aisha... You can start a restaurant here." Mr Suppapong stated.
"I don't have much experience Dad... I can cook but business management or restaurant management... I don't know anything." Saint answered.
"You can study here Saint. We have government funded universities here." The Sheikh responded.
"I actually have no idea what to do next. Tul still wants me to work at his restaurant. I still have a month to think about my options." Saint stated.
"I would suggest you to study here in Qatar." Mr Suppapong looked rather serious with his suggestion.
"Personally... I would always love having Saint with us since he is my best friend." Sheikh Muhammad Ali smiled.
"Give Saint time." Aisha said while eating Saint's dessert.
"I agree with Aisha... Saint... Honey... Do what makes you happy." Mrs Suppapong smiled at her son.
"As I said... I have time." Saint smiled back.
"This is delicious Saint." Mr Suppapong commented after he ate the dessert.
"Thanks Dad."
"I like Melancholy better though." Aisha scrunched her nose while thinking.
"My favourite is always The Snitch. It's so beautiful!!!" Mrs Suppapong asserted.
"What's your favourite Saint?" Sheikh Muhammad Ali questioned his friend.
"I love them all because they are my creation." Saint replied.
"My favourite is White Noise because you made that dessert inspired by... Yours truly." The Sheikh pointed at his chest while looking proud like a peacock.
"That's not fair!" Aisha did not look happy.
"Why HIM? He's boring Saint." She continued to grumble.
"Make one inspired by me," Aisha pouted.
"There's nothing inspirational about you unfortunately..." Sheikh Muhammad Ali muttered.
"How could you say that?" Aisha complained and made the other people at the dining table smile.
"Saint... Make one dessert inspired by ME... Please?" Aisha begged and Saint nodded.
"Sure..." Saint smiled.
"It must be a REALLY disgusting dessert!" The Sheikh made a face and he laughed when his sister punched his shoulder.
"Serve you right!" Aisha said.

Everyone laughed or smiled at what was happening. Saint smiled too but his heart was filled with sadness.

"Saint Honey?"
"Yes Mom?"
"You haven't touched your dessert." Mrs Suppapong pointed at the untouched plate of dessert.
"What's on your mind?" Mrs Suppapong asked him.
"Nothing. I'm tired I guess." Saint answered.
"Are you sure?" She said and gently held Saint's face.
"You know you can talk to me Honey." Mrs Suppapong added.
"Thank you Mom but I am fine." Saint replied as his mother continued to stare at him.
"If Saint doesn't want to eat his dessert... I don't mind eating it for him." Sheikh Muhammad Ali's youngest brother murmured.
"Sure..." Saint smiled at the boy and pushed the plate towards him.
"Thank you Saint!" The boy grinned from ear to ear.
"This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!" The boy declared and started eating the dessert on the plate that Saint gave him.
"You have to swim how may laps in the pool to burn the calories." Aisha stated.
"You're just jealous cause I got 2 plates of desserts." The boy poked his tongue out at his sister.
"You're right... I'm envious of you!" Aisha eyed the dessert plate.
"You had a plate this morning and now another. I think you're the one who needs to exercise." Sheikh Muhammad Ali teased her.
"Pardon me Your Excellency." One of the Sheikh's aids was standing at the dining room doorway.
"Yes? Come in." Sheikh Muhammad Ali instructed his aid but the man looked apprehensive.
"Your Excellency... I think it would be better if I talk to you in private?" The aid's eyes moved from Saint to the Sheikh, then back to Saint. Sheikh Muhammad Ali slowly stood up.
"Excuse me." The Sheikh said and walked towards his aid.

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