Mending A Broken Heart

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"Saint... Honey... you haven't eaten anything since yesterday." His mother shook his body.
"I'm not hungry." He answered under the thick duvet.
"Baby... I know you are heartbroken. I know you are sad... but please take care of yourself."
"I will. Don't worry." Saint mumbled.
"I have your favourite french toast and some mango yoghurt drink that you like." His mother patted his head.
"Thank you... maybe you can put them on the dresser?" Saint mumbled from under the duvet.
"Saint...?" Saint's mother sighed.
"I will eat later... Don't worry." Saint replied.
"Honey... I love you." His mother's voice cracked.
"I love you too." Saint whispered.

    It had been about a month since Saint came back home. His parents were terribly shocked when they saw Saint coming home broken. Their bubbly fun-loving cheeky son had transformed into a quiet reclusive skeletal somebody whom they did not even recognise. They still did not know what happened. They still did not know why he quit studying at the university. Saint's mother had been heartbroken as well. She did not know what to do with her son. He refused to talk. He refused to leave his room. He refused to ride his bicycle. He had changed. They did not know who to ask or whom to blame. His mother kissed his head and left his bedroom. She slowly walked downstairs and went out of the house and then, she cried for her son.

"Saint." Saint father sat on the bed.
"Go away Dad." Saint grumbled.

    Saint's father wrenched the duvet away from Saint's body. He then forced Saint to sit up on the bed. His father stared at his beloved son.

"This is enough! Stop all of this... Don't you love us anymore? Don't you care about your mother? YOU ARE SO SELFISH!!! WAKE UP!!!" His father yelled at him. Saint's eyes snapped up at his father as he was shocked because his father had never yelled at him in such anger.
"Life does not end... Life goes on son... I don't know what had happened but you still have me... Your mother... your family. We love you... Don't you care about how WE feel? We are so worried about you! Your mother is crying everyday because of you Saint! Don't you care about her? How about me? Don't you care about me?" Saint stared at his angry father. Tears fell.
"I love you Dad..." Saint murmured.
"I know you do son... But you are breaking our hearts when you are like this... Honey... Let us help you..." His father begged. Saint kept quiet and refusing to say anything.
"Saint... Let us help you. Talk to us. We are here for you Son. I am here for you. Stop torturing yourself like this..." His father begged but Saint stared at his father.
"You can't go on like this... It is not healthy... I am so worried about you son." His father's voice was hoarse as he sat down facing his son. He studied his son who had lost so much of weight and the spark was gone from his eyes.
"Saint..." His father held Saint's shoulder.
"I... I can't..." Saint whispered miserably.
"I can't... I can't stop thinking about him... I love him Dad... I can't hate him..." Saint cried and hugged his father.
"He hates me Dad... He doesn't even like me... I thought he liked me but... He didn't." He continued.
"I disgust him." Saint whispered.
"I'm sorry Dad... I'm so sorry..."
"We love you Saint... You will forever be our baby." His father vowed.
"We are so worried... Look at you... You have lost so much weight! I can feel the bones in your body!"
"Whoever that boy is... He doesn't deserve you... You are our precious son and if that JERK FACE can't love you... It is HIS lost! Why? Because my son is the most special human being I know!"
"I'm sorry Dad..."
"You will rise from this... You will grow from this... My son is strong ... You hear! My son is strong! I will let you can buy as many bicycles as you want!" His father said.
"You can ride that death trap of yours anywhere you like!" He added while holding Saint in his embrace.
"THAT kid if he doesn't see what a special person you are... IT IS HIS FUCKING lost!"
"I love you Dad."
"I love you son... You have to get better... For your mother and for me..."
"Talk to us... We are always here for you Saint!"
"Thank you Dad..."
"Yes Dad..."
"Son... I love more than anything... But... You stink like HELL!" His father complained and suddenly Saint's body trembled. Saint laughed while wiping his tear.
"I miss you son..."
"I miss you Dad.."
"If you have anything bugging you... I am always here for you..." His father murmured and hugged his son tightly.
"I have never taught you not shower though..." He muttered and Saint could not help but smiled.
"Now I wonder who is this STUPID INSIPID FOOL who did not want my son huh? He must be as DUMB as a doorknob."  His father joked.
"You really have your heart broken this time huh?" He ruffled Saint's hair and Saint nodded.
"What is the name of that JERKFACE huh? Let me drive to the university and KICK his sorry ass!"
"My son is THIS special and he could not see THAT?"
"It's Prince Zee Pruk Panich III the Crown Prince of Thailand." Saint whispered.
"My roommate." Saint added and fresh tears fell.
"He's engaged and I didn't even know."
"Your roommate?" His father asked and Saint nodded.
"The Crown Prince of Thailand?" His father queried and Saint nodded again. His father stared at Saint and sighed.
"It is his lost... I don't care who he is... If he can't love you for who you are... And if he cannot see how special my son is... It is his lost."
"You will find someone special in the future just for you Saint... Believe me when I say this..."
"When you fall... you fall for royalty huh?" His father teased.
"You should have stuck to Ali... He is a royalty... He is a prince too... AND he likes you!" His father added.
"But... I don't love him." Saint muttered sadly.
"I know son... I know..." His father said. They stayed quiet for a while.
"You are no longer a student at your dream university. What are you plans now?"
"Are you disappointed in me Dad?"
"What is the point if you are miserable there? That you have to see... meet... that Prince of yours. Can you control your feelings? Can you study?" His father asked and Saint shook his head.
"You are like me... When you love... You LOVE! You give your ALL."
"How about the scholarship?" Saint asked.
"There will be other chances or opportunities Saint... But If you really want to study at the university... I won't stop you."
"I have left the university for a month... I don't think I want to be there Dad... I just can't... I'm sorry."
"I understand son... I always want you to be happy. Doing what you love."
"Did you really mean what you said?" Saint asked.
"About what?" His father questioned him back.
"That I could buy as many bicycles I want?"
"Maybe 1." His father replied.
"You tricked me." Saint countered.
"It worked right... You are talking to me... You are opening up." His father ruffled his hair.
"Next time... Maybe you can stick to a commoner huh!" His father teased him.
"I can't promise you that..."
"My son has very HIGH taste in his love life." Saint's father joked.
"It is not that Dad... I still love him even after everything... Is it bad?" Saint asked.
"Am I THAT pathetic that I still love him?" Saint questioned.
"No Saint... Love is blind... There is nothing wrong with falling in love... Regardless of who the person is..."
"I'm sorry that I am like this Dad."
"Take your time... Time heals... Maybe you will meet someone someday." His father said.
"Saint... If he's not the Crown Prince of Thailand... I would've punched his face and knead his balls!" His father muttered.
"No you wouldn't Dad."
"Yeah... I wouldn't..." His father grumbled. Then, there was a long pause and they both laughed.
"My boy is home... We are here for you... We support you... Always know that we love you." His father smiled at Saint.

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