08 - Soft lullaby

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Yoongi's POV

I was laying in bed reading when the 4 youngest came into my room, I was happy that Kuma was back home and safe. "Hyung?" Kookie questioned. "Yes Kookie?" I answered back. "Kuma doesn't know how to cuddle and we were wondering if you could teach him?" "He doesn't? Oh you poor baby come here." I requested him to come over which he did after getting reassurance from the other three.         "Y-yes h-hyung?" He stuttered slightly. "Would you like to cuddle?" I asked him if it was something he wanted to do. He nodded but pointed at the other 3. "You want them to join too, don't you?" I asked for him and he looked down but nodded again. I looked over to the other three and gave them a small nod as a way of saying they could. They shuffled over to my bed. "Kuma you can come up here when you're ready." I told him and he nodded and started to get on my bed. "Cuddling is a lot like hugging but you're laying down, and sometimes you're under a blanket." I explained to him and his tail started wagging. He got under the blanket and hugged me. Then I beckoned the other three to join us, Jungkook connected his phone to my speaker and put on some soft music, probably to try and help Kuma relax. "You're doing so well." I said to Kuma while rubbing his back, he seemed to have relaxed better at the praise. Once all four of them were under the covers Kuma felt warm and fuzzy inside, he smiled, and for once his tail wagged to the fullest. Kuma yawned and snuggled closer to Yoongi while he grabbed jungkooks hand, and he drifted off to sleep with the peaceful, quiet music played in the background. As he inhaled the sent of the four around him, the sents comforting him into dream land. I looked down at Kuma and smiled, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. I looked up and noticed the other four also wanting to sleep, I patted Kookie's hair in reassurance, letting him know he was allowed to go to sleep as well.

Jin's POV

It was about 1 in the afternoon and I hadn't seen the 4 youngest or Yoongi, Yoongi was understandable but usually the 4 youngest would be running around or at least making noise. "I'm going to look for them" I said mostly to myself but Namjoon heard me. "For who?" He asked "the 4 youngest and Yoongi, they need to eat." I replied while walking away. I first went into the youngest two's room and it was empty and neat minus Jungkooks bed being slightly messed up. Then I went into Jimin and Hobi's room, Hobi was in there. "Have you seen Jimin?" I asked him "no but last time I did they went towards Yoongi Hyungs room." He replied tiredly I nodded and smiled at him, he was probably trying to take a nap or something. I walked towards Yoongi's room, and noticed that the door was slightly open, I knocked lightly before entering and what I saw warmed my heart. The four youngest were cuddled up to their Hyung, and Kuma had a smile on his face. I don't think I've seen him smile before. I took a couple of pictures and decided to let them sleep, they've all had a stressful morning. I walked back down to the kitchen and Namjoon was still there. "Did you find them?" He asked when he noticed me. "Yeah... yeah I did." I said lightly with a smile. " what's with the smile?" He asked. I decided to just show him the pictures I took and smiled lightly with a look of adoration in his eyes.

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