03 - Nightmares

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[the italicized is the dream]

Kuma's POV

I was in a field... Tae, Kookie, and Jiminie were there. They were talking, but not to me... but with each other. I stood up and walked towards Tae but as I got closer he didn't seem right. He looked me pale and sickly, when he turned in my direction the whole left side of his fade was torn up.... like my momma's after the car crash.... I jumped back slightly and froze.... I just stared... when I looked towards Kookie and Jiminie they were both on the ground surrounded by fire. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I looked back towards Tae, and he started telling me that this was my fault... and that I caused it, that they wouldn't have died if I hadn't caused it. I still don't know what I did.

Tae's POV

I woke up to hear whimpering, at first it didn't process what was happening but once it did I sat up and looked towards Kuma, he was whimpering, shaking and crying.
*whispers*" ah, what do I do?"... I thought about it and decided to try and wake him up, I started shaking him... "hey, Kuma, you're okay, but you need to wake up." I said loud enough for him to hear me and surprisingly he sat up really quickly, while panting. He looked terrified. He looked at me and went to move away but I brought him closer to me and hugged him. "Whatever happened... it wasn't real. No one hear is gonna hurt you, with words or otherwise. We might say some things that might affect you but I can promise no one is gonna purposely make you upset." I just said whatever came to my mind. He clung onto me like his life depended on it and cried for about 10 minuets. Then he stood up and walked to Kookie's bed and tilted his ears towards him and hugged him, he then left the room so I followed. He went into Hobi's and Jimin's room, he walked over to Jimin and did the same thing to him, but this time he picked Jimin up and carried him back to My room and laid him on the extremely comfy couch we have in our room, left and came back with his blanket and pillow, then got Jimin situated. After he was done he pointed towards me and then my bed... so I layed down and he tucked me in and then sat against the door and I think he was watching us. Like protecting us or something like that. I'm assuming that us three were involved with whatever happened in his dream. About 30 seconds latter he jumps up and starts writing on a piece of paper, left and cane back, and sat against the door again. "Sleep, please" he said in an almost monotone voice. " what about you? You need to sleep" I replied. " that's the longest I've ever slept in over 7 or 8 years so I'm pretty hyper right now but you have to get up in about 2 hours, so sleep." He answered with more words then I've ever heard come out of his mouth today, and he didn't stutter.... what happened? Oh well he's right I do need more sleep. " fine but if you get tired don't hesitate to join me."
"Ok Tae" with that I went back to sleep.

Sorry I know I said this was gonna be longer but it's 1 o'clock in the morning and this insomniac is actually tired for once so I'll publish 2 chapters tomorrow to make up for this one being so short - I hope you enjoyed

The hybrid [BTS X male hybrid OC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon