Chapter 24

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The sun flooded in through the cracks in the blinds, making the omega squint his eyes, burying his head into his alphas chest more. He heard a hearty chuckle, a hand stroking his head.
"We should get up now, yes?"

He glanced up, seeing Bokuto gazing down at him with lovesick eyes.
He smiled, casting his gaze down to nothing in particular.
"Yeah, we should."
He detached himself, standing as he looked down at his omega, seeing him looking up at him with a smile on his face, the sun lighting up his features.
'Just you wait, Keiji. I'm going to marry you one day...'


The soft voice broke him from his trance, giving the omega a soft smile as he held his arms out, stepping closer to the bed as he watched the omega sit up.
He crawled over, wrapping his arms around his neck as the alpha wrapped his arms around his back, holding him tightly as sweet pheromones filled the air.
"Mm... I love you~ I love you so much and I can't get over anything you do, Keiji."

He felt as the omega smiled against his neck.

"I love you too, more than you could imagine."

He jumped, wrapping his legs around Bokutos waist as they held eachother, just like the night before as he made his way out of the room.

He threw akaashi onto the couch, watching him bounce as he let out a small giggle.
"Whaddya want to do today?"

He thought, staring down at the omega.

" its between shopping and staying home and binge watching and cuddling~"

"Hmm I think~"
He stepped closer the the alpha, walking his fingers up his chest.

"That staying home again sounds amazing~"

He chuckled, gazing down at the hands on his chest.
"Stay home it is, Keiji~" (fuking squiggly line)


He lay on the bed again, waiting for the omega to come back upstairs. They had planned on binging star wars (well, more like bokuto did). Akaashi was grabbing the snacks and blankets whilst bokuto closed the blinds and set up the computer, dimming the room for their marathon. (I'm so sorry they've literally just been staying home the last like 10 chapters I just love fluff and little cuddles- school doesn't exist anymore)

He heard the door open, seeing his sweet little omega standing in the doorway with an entire armful of candy and popcorn, barely holding onto the drinks. He chuckled, standing up to help him as they made their way back to the bed together. He let Akaashi get in first so he could set up all their little snacks around them.
"Are you ready to start your Star Wars marathon~?"

He had an excited look on his face, hopping into bed next to him as he grabbed the laptop, snuggling up next to Akaashi before playing the very first movie. He felt the omega lean his head on his shoulder, pressing his body against his as he stared at the screen that he'd be watching for hours.

(I'm not writing the whole time they're watching lmao sorry-)

They were now on the 5th star wars movie, and it was about 7 or 8pm now, and he was starting to feel sore from being in the same spot for so long, his eyes stinging.
"Hey bo- should we take a break from star wars-?"

He heard the other yawn from beside him, nodding his head before pausing the movie.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom- be right back."

He nodded his head, sitting up and stretching as the other stood and left the room.

He lay on his stomach, holding onto a pillow as the blanket fell right beneath his creamy thighs, wearing only shorts and a shirt that was too big for his body.
He could only think of his future with bokuto, wanting to spend the rest of his life with the amazing person he had the privilege of calling his Alpha. In the midst of his thinking, he hadn't heard the footsteps approaching until the bed dipped, feeling someone lay on his back, resting their legs over his as their arms stretched out over his shoulders.
"Hey, Koū-"
He silences himself when he felt hands intertwine with his own, his body pressing harder onto his, feeling him kiss at his neck, nipping at his bond mark. Chills trailed down his spine at this new arousal, turned his head to look at the alpha, lips pressing against his the second he caught his eye.

He jolted, feeling the alpha lightly grind against him, perking his ass up in a seductive manner. (._.)
He deepened the kiss, gently slipping his tongue in his mouth as he explored, feeling the omegas back arch against him. He pulled away, seeing him take a deep breath, looking up at him with needy eyes. He smiled down at him, sitting up but still pressing against his ass, on purpose, of course. He watched as his expression turned into a frustrated one, pushing harder against bokuto in an enticing manner. He stopped himself, climbing off the omega as he sat back down in his original spot, folding his hands over his stomach as he gave him a shit-eating grin.
He received the eyes of a now very sexually frustrated omega, seeing the pouty look on his face.

"You ass."
"Oh, but I know, and you have a great one, by the way~"

He huffed, having an idea in mind. Although it was very unlike him, he decided to do it anyways. He locked eyes with him, releasing pheromones before slowly sliding his ass into the air, arching his back as far as he could while he kept his chest pressed into the bed, giving him lazy eyes. Bokuto choked on his own breath, his face burning red before he looked away.

"N-no! I won't do it!"
He huffed once more, sitting up all the way now.

"Do you think we should head to bed now? I don't feel like staying up late as of right now..."

He smiled, moving the laptop off the bed as he gave him space to cuddle against him. He pretended like he was upset about not just getting laid, but he snuggled closer either way, earning a chuckle from the alpha. He wrapped his arms around him tight, placing a kiss onto his forehead as he finally relaxed.
'I swear akaashi, I'm going to marry you one day. And It'll be the best day of our lives, I swear on that.'
U m :0 this is ending extremely soon which means 1-face reveal? Yay? And 2-b i g timeskip next chapter

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one, cus this story might end today...

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