Chapter 10 🤯

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As bokuto took in the horrendous sight before him, he couldn't help but feel rage. I mean, who else wouldn't be furious? Otaru had poor akaashi pinned tightly beneath him, his shirt had been lifted up, his pants near to be torn off. If that didn't set off bokuto enough, the dark purple marks on akaashi's neck and the tears in his eyes pulled the trigger. Walking right up to Otaru, bokuto ripped him off, throwing him into the wall as akaashi scrambled to get away. "What a sight for sore eyes, Otaru..." Raising his fist, it came in contact with Otaru's nose. Hard. Blood flowed from his nose as a sickening crack filled the room. As bokuto raised his fist again, a bright light blinded them all as the door swung open, a very angry and worried coach and principal stood in the doorway. "What is going on in here?!" That was everyone's question, but the only thing on akaashi's mind was alpha. He needed an alpha, badly. Bokuto looked like an angry deer caught in headlights. He froze, staring at the principal. He looked like the guilty one, not Otaru. It made it look like he had done all of this. Grabbing their arms, the principal harshly led bokuto and Otaru out of the closet while bokuto struggled to get to akaashi, who was being helped up by the coach. "You have to let me go back, he needs me!" Bokuto yelled as he looked back at akaashi with a horrified expression. "No one needs you right now, Kōutarou." Otaru glared at the ground, not daring to look up when they entered the small office.

The coach led akaashi to the nurse's office, so that she could try giving him suppressants and send him home. He was sweating profusely, breathing heavily and overall just looked like he was about to pass out as the pheromones flowed freely, catching the eye of any alpha and omega that walked by. Reaching the office, he sat akaashi down and was told to leave him there so he could get back to the volleyball team. Reaching for the cabinets, the nurse, kiyami, grabbed the suppressant bottle, handing two pills two akaashi. "Now listen up, I have no idea how long your heat is gunna last, hun. But you're going to have to stay home and take two a day, you hear me?" He simply replied with a weak nod, and laid down on the table so that they could wait for the pills to kick in. She handed him a pillow and a blanket, and left him to rest. He made a small nest with what he had, and tried his best to fall asleep.
Bokuto-san, I need you so bad right now. Please come back before I lose mind over you.

This chapter is SO FRICKING BAD LIKE EW I CAN'T EVEN THINK RIGHT NOW. I have writers block and tried to write. We can see that didn't end very well. Hopefully the next one will be better 🧚

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