- Chapter sixteen -

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"Tabby, you can't go out with him!" He stood from the chair to rush over to where I am standing.

"Why ever not, Albus?!" I try to control my temper as best as I can. He is being ridiculous; I don't understand why I cannot go out for dinner with Charles Anderson. Albus has been acting strangely ever since I told him that Charles wrote me a letter to invite me for dinner, which I accepted because I see no harm in having a simple dinner with an old friend.

"Because I do not want you to go out with Charles." He takes both of my hands in his and brings it up to his chest.

"I can do what I want, Albus. It's not like we're a couple. In fact, last night was a big mistake, we shouldn't have spent the night together in the first place. You are married. We shouldn't have let it come this far." It breaks my heart to tell him this, and I can see the pain in his eyes which are reflecting my own. I regretted many things, but last night and this morning, weren't one of them.

"Very well then, enjoy the evening. I'll be waiting until you return." He says his voice just above a whisper. I know that I have hurt his feelings, but we certainly cannot continue to act as if we are together.

"You don't have to wait for me, Albus. Now, I really have to go. See you tomorrow." I wish him a nice evening and turn to leave for my dinner date.


After dinner Charles has insisted to accompany me back to Hogwarts since it is quite dark outside. Surprisingly I enjoyed the evening with Charles, but now and then my thoughts drifted off to Albus and our conversation before my dinner date with Charles. We had a long conversation over dinner, telling each other how life was after we left Hogwarts. He also asked me how I became Albus's surrogate. I did tell him the story but let out the part that this baby was conceived naturally. Truthfully, I don't know why I didn't tell Charles about this baby's conception.

"Thank you, Charles, for taking me out for dinner," I tell him as we have reached the portrait to my private chambers. To my surprise he takes my left hand in both of his hands and looks me in this eyes, just then I realize how fast my heart is beating,

"Minerva, as you may already know, I have developed deep feelings for you since we were students. I want you to know that I still feel the same way, when not more than before; If you could only give me a chance to court you properly."

I am completely stunned by his confession, and after what seems like ages I finally find the right words; "Charles, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but I need some time to think about this. Now is not the right time for us, I am currently pregnant and things are rather complicated for me at the moment." I hold my breath and wait patiently for his answer,

"I understand, I'll wait for you until you gave birth to Dumbledore's baby, then you will be free,"

I pull my hand back from his,

"No, you don't understand, things will still be complicated even after this baby is born,"

"How?- why would things still be complicated when you are giving this baby to its parents?"

He asks me confused,

"This baby is biologically my and Albus's child," I confessed while watching closely for his reaction,

"W-what?" he whispers,

"It's a long story, Charles. Please, try to understand why we cannot start a relationship just now," I feel sorry for him, I really do. But it would be unfair for him when I agree to be with him since I don't have any feelings for him at all.

"But-" he started but I cut him off mid-sentence,

"It's getting late, and I should get some rest. It's not good for my baby when I feel too exhausted." I rest my hand on my stomach and the other one on Charles's upper arm, "Good night, Charles. And thank you for the great evening."

He nods at me and manages to give me a weak smile; "Good night, Minerva." but before he leaves he gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, which makes me blush.

- to be continued -

Dumbledore's SurrogateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ