- Chapter nine -

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After I have arrived at Hogwarts, my three best friends have invited themselves into my private chamber and have some tea and girl chat with me. Right after the portrait swings close and I close the door I blurt out,

"I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?!" Poppy, Rolanda and Pomona stand there with their jaw drop, I can see that all three of them are clearly in shock.

Poppy was the first one to rush to me and give me a hug as well a "Congratulations", then Pomona, but Rolanda seems to still be in shock because of little my announcement. After what feels like forever Rolanda rushes over to where I am standing and give me a bone-breaking-hug.

"I'm going to be the godmother, whether you like it or not." Rolanda said after she released me.

"Whoa whoa- wait. None of you is going to be the godmother, at least I'm not the one deciding this. Don't you remember that I have to give this baby away as soon as he or she is born, remember?"

I can see how disappointing they were after I remind them about that fact.

"But- but, Minerva, what will you do when you eventually have to hand over the baby to them?" Pomona ask, her face full of concerns.

"And by the way, it's your baby too." I cringe when Poppy added this true little fact, which I know deep down but don't want to acknowledge.

"Truthfully, I don't know." I say, as I walk across my living room and sit in my favorite armchair.

All three of them make their way to on the sofa I can clearly see that they are worried about me.

"Minerva, I'm sure they will let you be the baby's godmother or even the rightful mother. We never know what the great Albus Dumbledore will do for you." Poppy says as she takes a sip of her tea, which the house elf just brought a moment ago. I sink my head while slowly rubbing my hand over my still flat stomach.

"I agree with Poppy. Albus loves you and he'll never do anything to break your heart." My head shot up upon Rolanda's comment.

"Albus, doesn't love me." I snap, but then I let my head sink again and say just above a whisper "If he loves me, he wouldn't marry Patricia in the first place." I fight back my tears as I remember Albus's wedding day, where all four of us attended. They both looked so happy that day, Albus in his best robes and Patricia in the most beautiful wedding dress. They were and still are a perfect match for each other. But then I remember those nights Albus and I made passionate love- no- we were only trying to conceive a child because I am his surrogate, nothing beyond that.

"You do love Albus don't you, Min?" Poppy ask me in a soft voice.

I just sigh and say,

"Even if I love him, there's nothing I can do about it. He is a married man."

"You know that their marriage was an arranged one." Says Pomona as she put her teacup down on the coffee table.

"I know. But I also know that Albus doesn't return my feelings."

"He does." Rolanda says

"He does not." And so, Rolanda and I keep arguing whether Albus loves me or not.

- to be continued -

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