- Chapter thirteen -

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Poppy, Rolanda, and I have decided that we should spend the day together and do our weekly girl's chat. Unfortunately, Pomona can't join us today since she has got the cold, it is mid-January after all and outside the ground is covered in thick layers of snow.

The house-elves have baked us some cookies and brought up some tea to my living room. I am craving something sweet lately, but this is no surprise to me since this baby is half Albus Dumbledore, who is known for his sweet-tooth.

"Tell us, Poppy, how was your date with Alastor last night?" Rolanda asks and then takes a bite of the chocolate chip cookie while waiting for her friend to fill her with details about her date. I on the other hand relax in my armchair with a cup of ginger tea in my hands.

"We had a wonderful time together. Alastor took me to a fancy restaurant in muggle London." Poppy's eyes are dreamy as she continues to tell us about last night.

"I never knew that Moody is a romantic type of person." Rolanda state and smirk at Poppy,

"Oh- believe me, he is." Poppy says, and then she turns in my direction and asks "How was your day with your lover, Min? We want to hear every little detail."

I sat my teacup onto the coffee table in front of me and sigh, then I start to tell them about my days; Shopping in London, the park, him wanting me to be the mother of his baby, us running into Charles,

"Wait- You ran into Charles? That Charles Anderson who had a big crush on you?" Rolanda ask,

"Mhm" I nod, "Think he still is interested in me, but I am not interested in him though," I tell them.

"I see, you still hope that Albus will divorce Patricia, marry you and you both live happily ever after with your baby as a topping to your happiness?" Rolanda says, which earned her a glare from me and a smack on her upper arm from Poppy.

"Be realistic for once Rolanda," I tell her sternly,

"I am realistic,"

"Ro," Poppy sigh,

"What?- Even Trelawney see that Albus and Patricia will eventually divorce because they are not meant to be." Rolanda leans back into the sofa with another cookie in her hand.

"Ro, I cannot believe that you listen to such nonsense Trelawney predicted. It's ridiculous." I tell her. I don't believe in divination at all, this subject is in my opinion a waste of time for the students anyway.

"But you have to admit, that Trelawney is sometimes right with her prediction," Poppy says as she refills her cup with tea.

I sigh and tell her, "I don't know what to think of this. I love Albus and I can't help but believe that he returns my feelings. I mean- the way he steals kisses or the way he always takes my hands when we go for walk, it's as if we're lovers- but he is married to someone else. I don't want people to think I'm having an affair with a married man, especially when that man is also my boss." I don't even realize that I was crying until Poppy was standing by my side and hug me.

"Awww Min, everything will be alright. You have plenty of time until you give birth to your beautiful baby. I'm sure until then you and Albus will sort things out."

- to be continued -

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