- Chapter twelve -

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I always avoid coming to Diagon Alley on Saturday, now I know why, there are too many people on the street. Wizards and witches queuing to get inside the stores. It's just not my thing, and I am certainly not the person to be patient. When I go shopping, I like to make a list of the things I need, rush into the store, and buy the things on the list. I don't feel comfortable being squished in a crowd full of people like this.

After Albus and I had our late lunch, we make our way to Madam Malkin's to buy me some maternity robes. As we're about to go inside someone bump into me and I almost fall, good thing Albus catches me before I actually fall.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Miss." The tall wizard held out his hand to me as he apologizes,

"Minerva McGonagall?" he asks as I look up to him

"Charles Anderson" As I get a good look at him, I immediately recognize him. Charles was a classmate when during my Hogwarts years. He used to have a crush on me during school years, but I always turned him down since I had and still have a crush on one certain Transfiguration Professor.

"How are you doing?" He asks me,

"I'm doing well, thank you. What about you?" I ask him in return,

"Good, good." He smiles at me and then his gaze fell upon Albus who stands behind me

"Professor Dumbledore, nice to see you again" He stretches out his hands to Albus

"Likewise, Mr. Anderson" Albus take his hand and shake it

"Do you two want to come and have a drink, so we can catch up?"

"Actually, Minerva and I have to go shopping for maternity robes for her," Albus says, and I immediately turn my head to him. I don't exactly intend to make my pregnancy publicly known.

"Oh- Congratulations Minerva, and you, Professor Dumbledore"

"I'm only his surrogate." I blurt out, I see a blink of hurt feelings in Albus's eyes.

"So, you two are not a couple?" Charles asks hopefully,

I just shake my head, because I don't trust my voice. I don't want to hurt Albus, but at the same time, I don't want to lie to Charles.

"Actually, Tabby, I remember I have a pile of letters from the Ministry to answer, why don't you go and catch up with Charles instead? About your robes, I can place an order with Madam Malkin." Albus says, I can clearly tell that I have hurt his feelings, which makes me regret what I just told Charles about me only being his surrogate when he clearly sees me as the mother of his child.

"So, Minerva, do you want to come with me?"

I turn to look at Albus, but he is avoiding making eye contact with me.

I turn to Charles and tell him "Maybe another time. I intent to head back to Hogwarts with, Albus." As I take Albus's hand in mine and look up at him. He gazes down at me and gives me a warm smile.

"Oh- Alright, I'll write to you some time, Minerva. It's nice to see you again, you too Professor."

I force myself to break my eye contact with Albus and turn my head to Charles

"Likewise, Charles."

With that Charles walk away, lost in the crowd full of people. Again, I turn my head to Albus who is still smiling at me, "Do you still want to go back to Hogwarts?" I ask him amused

"We still have to get you maternity robes, Tabby." Our eyes lock with each other's, as Albus bend down his head towards mine. He slowly brushes his soft lips over mine. After a while I push him back, "Albus, what are you doing?" I ask him confused.

"Isn't it obvious, my dear?" He smirks at me,

"You, Mister, are married. And I don't want people to think that we are having an affair or that I am one of your Mistress." I tell him,

"And you, Miss, are the mother of my child."

"But that doesn't give you the right to kiss me whenever you want!" I try to stay serious, but my eyes clearly give away.

"Does it not?" With that, he crushes his lips to mine, makes me I melt into his embrace.

Well, I give up arguing with this stubborn man.

- to be continued -

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