Chapter 15 Bilal's Surprise

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Audience shushes,

Lights dim.

Chapter 15 after like 3 months...

I arrived home from school on Monday, tangled and exhausted. we had another project work day today which went relatively well. Ashton actually paid attention and gave helpful tips. he gave me respectable space since he knew about the whole personal bubble thing. I couldn't help but smile a little bit in class. I never knew the playboy would do such a thing really.

I unwrapped my scarf when I set foot into the house, letting my hair get some air.

" I'm home!!!!!!" I screamed.

" Asalamwulaikum Mano, how was school." my asked as she have me a hug.

" Good, normal as usual."

" That's good, do you want something to eat, I made roti." my mom asked.

Her hands were covered in flour and so was a few parts on her face.

" Maybe later, I don't feel to well."

" Oh yes. I almost forgot, just take some painkiller and rest, you don't have to eat if you don't want to."

I nodded before trudging upstairs to change into something comfortable and black.

Yes, black, just in case.

I quickly changed before setting my bed to the most period appropriate environment.

Heating pad, check.

Sheet, check.

Water, check.

Junk food, check.

Painkiller, check.

Phone and computer, check.

Earphone, check.

Charger, check.

Blanket, check.

Alright, I got everything I need.

I settled in on my bed which sent the utmost of relief in my abdomen.

School was not fun at all today,not that it's fun any other day but you get the point.

My cramps made it hard to sit or even concentrate, I wanted to throw up when I saw my lunch and walking home wasn't any better.

Literacy class had to be the only brightest thing that had happened today. Mrs. Oakley has a wedding to attend to in Chicago and she'll be gone for a week or 2 so that means an extra week for our projects!

It really is surprising since In high school, especially grade 12, things are usually due the same or next week, never more than that.

I lay on my bed rubbing my pained area as I daze into my popcorn ceiling.

I switched my gaze to my alarm clock which read 3:00.

I knitted my brows, Bilal's late again. he's been late like this for the past 2 or 3 month, I haven't really put any thought about it till know.

He's usually home before me or at around the same time but know he's coming 1,2 sometimes 3 hours late with an excuse of "lots of work". I trust my brother and all but him coming late all the time is starting to concern me.

I shrugged the the thought off,
It's probably school which scares me for when I go to university since I'm bad with stress and all.

I nudged the thought of my brother and took out my phone.

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