Chapter 11: Apple juice and Bollywood

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AUTHORS NOTE: ( that is Salma by the way but her real name is Saima Chowdhury and she's a youtuber) k I am soooo sorry for not updating for sooooo long! How long? a month? 2 months?!!! I Been super busy with school and had so much stress plus I had a writers block plus my cousin was getting married and you know brown weddings. No use for excuses and I am again so sorry. so please read this chapter and enjoy plus winter break is coming up so that's good and I might be able to write another chapter or 2 if I have time. So enjoy and bye!!!!

It was a pleasant and clear Tuesday morning Mashallah.

School just ended and today we had another prom committee meeting.

I noticed how sassy and tempered Crystal and Elizabeth (A.K.A Ashton's most likely Ex girlfriend) looked during lunch.

Turns out that Ashton had dumped Crystal and Elizabeth got all mad at Crystal for even dating him which causes a humongous cat fight in the cafeteria.

I rubbed the sauce stain that was on my brown blazer since the 2 idiotic babe clones had knocked over my pasta in the middle of their argument.

Shaking the thought of lunch time I made my way home to my wonderful and beloved home.

" Assalamuslaikum!" I hollered and closed the door behind me.

Inside I saw practically my entire family and when I mean by that I mean by cousins, aunts and uncles...

I saw Mariam and her family all crowded around plus some of my other relatives all gushing over Mariam's ring.

Youssef and my 2nd cousins Rabiya and Zayn, both 5 years old, were running around like crazy.

Quickly checking my face in the mirror I went to the kitchen, ready for my face pinching fate.

" Assalamuslaikum mama." I said awkwardly.

4 aunties including my mom spin there head towards me.

" Walaikumsalam!" they all chanted.

I stood there for about 5 seconds before one of the aunties insisted I joined them.


I was handed a tray of chai filled in paper cups and told to go around to everyone.


I first served it to all the ladies and went to the family room where all the guys were sitting.

" Youssef! get here right no- OMG STOP!!!! NOOOO! YOUSSEF, NOT HERE!!!!"

I whipped my head to see Mariam and another guy running after little Youssef who I must say, was leaving a trail of a... Umm... particular liquid.

He however was oblivious to this and was running around giggling thinking they were playing tag.

I couldn't help but leave my jaw open.

His pants were completely wet!!! my poor mother, she's going to have to clean this at the end.

I could tell they were trying to hide the fact that he wet his pants but it was to late.

" OH MY ALLAH!!!!! AHHHHH QUICKLY! GET THE TOWEL! AHHHHHHHH!" yelled one if the aunties and from then on it was a complete mess.

All the aunties were screaming and pointing as if a murder just came in.

My mom shook her head and kept smile on, only because she's the host and we wouldn't want anyone to think that she isn't always like that....

The Twisted Tale of A Towel HeadUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum