Chapter 6 Mission break out

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On Tuesday when my alarm woke me up I got ready as usual.

After school me and Soha signed up for the prom committee which is at the end of the year. Of coarse I'm not going to go with a date but me Soha and a few if my other friends are deciding to go as as a group.

As I got dressed and ate my breakfast I got a text from Ashton.

" Sup sweetheart."

" What." I typed

" About the project when is our next meet up."

" How about tomorrow at your place."

There was a pause from him which didn't feel good.

" So you want to come over? 😏"

Was what he said.

Man this boy and his stupid remarks.

" Yes. okay, you've always been coming over and now it's my turn." I wrote.

" And don't be dumb, you know what I meant!" I typed again

" Alright. how about at around 3:30."


I didn't wait for his reply because I already knew what it was going to be.

I put my phone in my bag and made my way to school.

During Mrs. Oakley's class, mrs. Oakley gave us sometime to work on the project which surprisingly went well especially since Ashton was helping and was actually saying helpful and smart things!

What do you know.

I thought Ashton would start talking about girls or how he got hung over the other day but he didn't.

This guy is full of surprises. Next thing you know he's actually disguised as Clark Kent who is disguised of superman.

I wouldn't be surprised.

After class I had biology which of coarse i also had Ashton in.


During class I was writing and trying to focus on work but Ashton kept passing stupid notes.

Like ' hey there sweetheart.' or ' that scarf totally complements your top.' or

' Can you give me lessons on how to do bangra?' and I kept laughing at every one of them untill Mr. Pells caught us and read our notes. thank god not in front of the class or else I'd be mortified. But I was still embarrassed as he saw it and how the class was staring at us and the girls had their mouths hanging open at the both of us. I looked behind me and I saw Ashton who was blushing and rubbing his nape but I kept my hands in my lap and kept goggling at the teacher. he looked at me and Ashton and told us to go to the principals office.

No one laughed but kept staring in awe at the towel head and the playboy.

Oh god why.

Me and Ashton kept bickering well whisper arguing about the notes while Mr. Pells kept shifting his eyes over to us.

He finally dropped us of at the principle's office where an awkward silence echoed through.

" Well... um.. that was weird." Ashton said and he turned his gaze to me.

" Hey don't look at me like that . I'm freaking out! this is the first time I'm at the principles office for a bad thing!" I said while grasping the edge if the chair.

" Hey, if you weren't laughing like a donkey then we wouldn't be here, ms. good reputation."

D-Did he? Did he call me donkey!?

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