Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers

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When I saw that Ashton was gone I was sort of confused and believe it or not, upset. why was I upset? I liked teasing him. maybe.

God I'm so cruel.

Around 4:30pm we left the mall and boarded the next bus. the bus dropped of Ishell and Yasmeen while I was still on. I looked out the Window to see trees lined up and birds continuously swooping down.

In the corner of my window I saw a faint reflection of Ashton who kept looking at and down untill I got to my stop. I saw Ashton and his bae slowly get up and I quickly shot out the door trying to to cross coarse into them.

When I was walking home my face went pale. I searched my pockets and checked everywhere.

I forgot my purse in the bus.

There was no point running to the next stop because 1) I was to slow and 2) even if I was fast enough to catch up my purse would most likely be long gone.


My phone, my remaining 20 dollars, my makeup supplies and my CANDY!

I retraced my steps incase I might've dropped it on my way out or while I was walking but I knew that it wasn't true.


I sulked my way home trying to think if a way to tell my parents. but when I arrived my parents and. Either weren't home. I took a whiff and smelled something cooking meaning Dado was here.

" Asalamwulaikum Dado." I said while giving her a big hug.

"What are you making?" I asked, looking into the stock pot.

" Qaorma. would you like some?"

I held my stomach, starving since all I ate at the mall well drank at the mall was some lemonade.

" Yes please, I'm starving!"

Dado scooped up the stew in a bowl and handed it to me while I was getting the roti.

While I began to eat the door bell rang.

Wiping my hands and mouth it went to go open it and to my not so surprised look I saw Ashton.

" Hey there sweetheart." he said his hands in his pocket.

" My grandma is here! not so loud!" I whispered yelled but he just chuckled.

" Who is it?" my grandma called from the kitchen.

" Ashton." I yelled.

When I looked back at the door Ashtin wasn't there but instead inside the house.

" You know I didn't invite you in." I says with my hands crossed.

" Yeah but that smell did and besides you wouldn't have a choice anyways."


I slammed the door shut and noticed something in Ashton's shoulder that I didn't notice before.

"MY PURSE!" I practically screamed.

Ashton looked at my purse and smiled.

Oh god that smile. NO stop.

My heart sort if melted while kept looking at him.

" You left it on the bus dummy." he says before giving me my bag.

There was a pause while I searched through it to make sure everything was there.

"... Thanks." I said shyly my face turning pink.

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