Chapter 12 Locker rooms with RED!!!

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Yes!!! It's the weekend uh huh yeah! Wooooooo!

I come into the house dancing my little happy dance.

This week has been stressful and a perfect dose of 2 days off is exactly what I need.

" Salma! Are you home!?" my mother asks from the kitchen.

" Assalamuslaikum mom, yeah I'm home." I reply and make my way to my room to drop off my stuff and change into sweats.

" Salma! I don't want you stay up this weekend, you need sleep, your face looks like a dead monkey!"

I frown when I heard this. my face does not look like a dead monkey but I have to say, me not getting enough sleep for the past few weeks have formed some luggage under my eyes.

I, instead of worrying, changed into some PJ'S.

I wore pale pink yoga pants and a grey, baggy shirt that said Blue Jays on it.

It belonged to my brother but I somehow got it and ended up keeping it.

I belly flopped onto by bed which followed my a horrible pain.

I clench my stomach, trying to ignore the swirly, jabbing pain.

My stomach started hurting a lot today at school too and I could recognize the feeling. usually, I'd have pain for a couple of days before it actually happens so hopefully I don't have to worry about it.

Mom kept chatting about the party at the Mahmood's This Sunday which is probably why she wants me to get some rest.

I think she's right or else everyone there would think think I was a walker and my brother would put on his sheriff hat and start shooting at me.


It was the beginning of April and classes are slowly starting to hand us more work which i may say, isn't good for my back, shoulders, brain or anything.

In a matter if fact, it's been so hard that I keep forgetting where I put my things, like today for example.





" Okay class, open your binders and start writing today's note."

I zipped open my bag to see where my binder was but surprisingly it was gone!

Suddenly I remembered that I had lent it to Zermeen, a girl in my class. She asked to borrow it so she could copy the note that she'd miss.

The load shuffling of papers, banging of textbooks and screeching a of chairs made it easier to talk so the teacher couldn't hear me.

" Pst! Zermeen, I lent you my binder! where is it?"

Her cheery face slowly came in shock.

That is never a good sign unless it's a birthday party or a haunted Halloween maze or whatever.

" Uhhhh, I think I forgot it." she said and my face formed a frown.

" Forgot it!? where!?" I asked in panic."

" I'm sorry, I had gym and I must've left it in the change room."She said while fiddling with her fingers.

Oh great.

I looked around as everyone was writing and me, totally binderless.

I slowly stood up, my legs felt like jelly.

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