Chapter 6 - James Potter

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The first thing that I saw when I opened my eyes again was the worried figure of my mother, shifting from one foot to another. Using the drastically improved sight that Aphrodite's blessing had given me, I examined her face.

She looked exactly like the Lily described in the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling, with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes.

As soon as she noticed me, she frowned at Poseidon. Dad paled. "Care to explain to me why our daughter has a tattoo and dyed hair?" Mum questioned, putting on an extra sugary voice and narrowing her eyes at dad, who gulped again. "W-wait! I can explain!"

After my father finished explaining that the tattoo and dyed hair were from blessings that some Goddesses had given me and that the said blessings kept me from being obliterated, mum finally let him off. "Seriously, Poseidon, James Potter, or whatever you call yourself now, you have to look after yourself and Rhea better!..."

She continued to chastise him, while I tuned out at the name James Potter. While I was glad that James existed and that he and Lily are together, how come Poseidon is James Potter too? Is the Potter family just a trick by the mist?

As I tuned back into their 'conversation', I heard Poseidon protest: "I'm not Sirius! Also, I already told you, like a year ago, that James Potter is just the name that I took on after I was adopted by the Potters!" as he saw Lily take in a deep breath and open her mouth, he hurriedly started talking again. "And don't ask me why a God was adopted again! I was punished by Z and turned mortal, okay? I suspect he had his period that day..." father continued to drone on about Zeus' fits, with mum watching him, amused.

I put my background in this world together. Looks like that Zeus, while having a mood, banished Poseidon to England as a mortal, where he proceeded to be adopted by the Potters. So that's how my name is Rhea Potter! It also explains how He and Lily met...

As my thought progress slowed, I let out a yawn. They immediately turned their attention back to me. "Are you tired?" mum asked, lowering her voice. "I should have known that my little Rhea would be exhausted by now." she gently lifted me from Poseidon's arms and placed me into my crib. My eyelids started to droop, and I let out another yawn as she tucked me in, softly singing a lullaby.

Just before I drifted off in the rocking crib, I thought, looking at my new parents' loving faces, that maybe being reincarnated isn't so bad after all...

A.N.: Hi! I hope the background of the book makes sense. Also, to people who have already read the third chapter, I have changed Rhea's birthdate to the 31st of July for the Voldemort and Harry Potter prophesy.

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