Chapter 7 - Kronos

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Time flew past as I gradually grew up, and I had been hailed as a prodigy because of how soon I had started walking. You can't blame me! After all, how was I supposed to know that babies usually started walking when they are 9 - 18 month old?

Also, due to me being caught reading, they had proceeded to test me (using magic) and found that I knew how to read, write, and do the math, but had zero knowledge of magic. It's not that surprising, at least to me.

I had continued to cultivate, and have successfully added 2cms to the ball's diameter. My first act of magic had been to create a storm above Peter's head and only making it disappear once he left. 

Father is staying with us, and he is great fun to play with, always inventing new pranks with the other marauders, Remus, Sirius, and Peter. I tried showing them Peter's dark mark, but after my last attempt to pull up his sleeve, he had told mum and dad that he wouldn't be visiting any longer, as I seemed not to like him.

Today was the second Halloween that I have had in this life, and I was getting nervous. Dad had left on my birthday earlier this year because of Zeus, and mother... she was just a witch after all, and if Riddle came, she wouldn't be able to protect herself, and the only spell I can do right now is Lumos. I can control water, fire, and plants, but I could only move a small flame or plant before passing out, and can only control water when in direct contact.

I was carried back to my crib by my mother as the sun dipped below the horizon, and she started reading me a fairytale after she tucked me in. 10 minutes passed. 20. Half an hour. Finally, finishing the story, mum closed the book and went to the door. I relax as well. Maybe Riddle won't come today.

Then, we heard the front door creak open. Mother tensed. "Sirius? Is that you?" she asked, whipping out her wand, readying it at the door. No one responded. "Sirius?" she asked again, voice cracking a little. "It's not funny!" suddenly, a peal of creepy laughter swept through the house, followed by nearing footsteps. The door blew open, revealing Voldemort. 

But something was wrong. Instead of the famous red snake eyes, we were met with glowing gold ones. That looked like a certain titan's eyes. My heart sank, as I made the connection. Evidently, my mother had too, from how she paled even further. "Kronos?" mum asked, disbelief clear in her voice. "How-"

"Not what you expected, am I, little witch?" he interrupted, eyes glinting in the shadows cast by the faint moonlight. "Though this vessel is already starting to break apart, I still have more than enough time to kill the pest that threatens my existence. Don't worry, as long as you step aside, I will spare you." his thin lips stretched into a smile, probably assuming that she would move aside. I whimpered, already knowing what she would choose.


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