Chapter 14 - 'Stranger' At Sea

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A.N.: Sorry for not updating for so long. I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

I turned around and carefully scanned my surroundings again. Yep. Still no sign of any marine life at all. Ok... I took a deep breath and got ready to fight while inching backward slowly towards the beach. According to the many fanfictions I had read in my previous life, right now either one - my father shows up, (which would be the best-case scenario,) two - Triton shows up, or three - Oceanus shows up.

Or it could just be a fluke and there just happened to be no sea creatures in the area. Which could be possible. But better safe than sorry, right? I'd rather feel awkward later for being a scaredy-cat than to put myself in danger or possibly lose my life right now.

Suddenly the water above me churned, and a hand reached down and took hold of my shoulder, pulling me up. Reacting quickly, I punched upwards and victoriously landed a hit on - oh... schist. I cringed as I saw my father's head jerked back from the unexpected punch.

"Uh... sorry, mister... are you alright?" I apologized, treading water. "Um. Sorry. It was - unintentional...?"

"No worries, I'm fine." Dad winced, balancing his rocking canoe. "It's better than it looks." I raised an eyebrow, staring at his nose which was quickly swelling up. From the experience I have built up in the past years about fighting in general, I'm pretty sure the force I had put behind my fist had been enough to break a wooden chopping board, but... sure. He's fine.

Reassured that I had not accidentally killed my dad, I started questioning his sudden appearance. "Why did you grab me though?" I tilted my head and crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Um." now it was his turn to be nervous. "I... thought you were drowning?" Poseidon said uncertainly. Both of us knowing that it was impossible for me to drown in his domain. But since I'm not supposed to know...

"Ok then. Well, thanks for your kind thoughts, sir, but I didn't really need someone grabbing me suddenly on the shoulder." I said accusingly, hiding a sly grin." I might've choked on water and drowned because you scared me."

"But it's not- " He quickly stopped.

"Not...?" I raised an eyebrow again.

Dad cleared his throat, flustered. "Nothing. Thanks for your reminder."

Deciding to let him off the hook, for now, I changed the topic. "Well. Since there's nothing else, I'll just leave now..."

"Wait!" he snatched my arm.


"Uh, let me take you back to shore. Just in case... you know... if you run into a... shark...?" Poseidon suggested, trying to come up with an excuse to spend more time with me. I shrugged and turned around again, lifting myself onto the canoe.

"What's your name, anyway?" I asked, pretending to be curious as he picked up his pedal again.

He started. "Oh, I'm Po - Aquarius."

"Po. Aquarius?"

"No, just Aquarius."

"Ok then, Mr. Aquarius."

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