Chapter 18 - Starting Primary

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It is currently the start of September, and I will be attending school for the first time in this life today. Although I already knew what school was like - I did live until I was twelve years old in my last life - there was still this nervous tinge in my stomach. After all, I would be meeting new people, and kids who are 'my' age. 

"Up! Get up!" My aunt furiously thudded on my bedroom door, then proceeded downstairs to prepare breakfast for her darling 'Dudders'. I leapt out of bed and scrambled to get dressed in my school uniform, brushing my teeth at the same time. 

An hour later, we - my cousin and I - were standing at the front of the office of our new primary. As aunt Petunia went inside to finish up our registration and to get our classroom numbers, I heard two people coming down the corridor, speaking in hurried whispers to each other.

"-rius! You have to calm... I really... how you managed... get employed..."

"I know Re...! seeing... how am I supposed to calm down?"

The voices grew closer, and Dudley looked up. Curious, just like me, on who they could be. Maybe a teacher? But they sound really familiar for some reason...

"Yes, we are going to be meeting... today. But still! At least try to be a... assistant."

"Fine! But don't expect me... hug her when we see her again!"

Someone sighed. "I really don't know how you managed to persuade Dumbledore with that attitude of yours." Wait. Dumbledore?

"Well, I've been trying to persuade him to let us see fawn for a few years now, I guess he just got tired of having to deal with my pranks."

Two familiar faces appeared around the corner, and I let out a gasp, attracting everyone's attention.

"Rhea, are you alright?" Dudley asked, worried.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I breathed out, still shocked that I was seeing them at this primary school.

They strode towards us. "Hey kids, what are you doing here? It's going to be class time soo-" The black-haired man paused, shocked, as he got a good look at my face and realised who I was. "Remus! It's-"

"Sirius!" Remus pulled his companion back slightly, afraid that he would scare us, and then widened his eyes slightly as he saw me, but then tried to cover up his reaction. "Sorry, we were just excited to meet the new students. I hope my colleague didn't scare you. It's our first day here, you see."

"But Remus, don't you see, it's-"

"Yes, I know, it's the new students." He gave Sirius a stern stare before smiling at us again. "I hope we'll see each other again during our time at this school!" They then walked away from us, soon vanishing around the corner. Well, Remus walked. Sirius got dragged out by him, protesting and whining the whole way.

Dudley and I blinked, twice, then turned to face each other. "What just happened?" We questioned each other before the office door beside us opened and aunt came out.

"Well, all finished! Dudders, your class is 1C. I'll accompany you there okay?" She then turned to me and dropped her bright smile. "Girl. Your class is 1A. Don't make me hear about you making any trouble. At. All. Here's the school map," Petunia shoved a piece of paper into my hands, before continuing. "Go to your class now, and if you're late..."

She left the threat dangling as I nodded frantically, waved goodbye to my cousin - who was frowning at his mother, not liking her different attitude towards me - and then sprinted off in the direction the map said my class was in. Well... this has certainly been more interesting than I expected the school to be. But, at least I have met Remus and Sirius again - and hopefully we won't be separated anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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