Chapter 12 - Dursleys

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A few hours later, I was woken up by Petunia's shrill scream. "What the-" she scanned the road, checking if the person who left me was still here. Seeing no one around, Petunia quickly picked me up and reinterred the house, closing the door behind her. "Vernon! Come quickly!"

"What's wrong, Pet?" he questioned, trudging downstairs. 

"I found a baby on our doorstep," my aunt said. "W-what do we do? Should we call the police?"

Vernon frowned. "Let's see if the baby has any papers on it that can explain the situation first."

Petunia nodded and unraveled my blanket, revealing the letter clutched in my fist. She carefully took it and started reading. However, evidently, whatever Dumbledore had written wasn't to her liking, as Petunia grew paler and paler with every word she read. 

Vernon walked over, concerned. "Hey, Tuney, are you alright?" 

"V-Vernon! Oh no, oh no..." she broke out of the trance that the letter had put her in and started crying and shaking hysterically. My uncle gently patted her on the back.

"Shh... Pet, it's alright... come on... take a deep breath. Ok... in... out... in... out... alright... now, do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked.

My aunt sobbed. "M-my sister L-Lily has been m-murdered," she hiccuped. "Y-you know that I - hic - n-never liked th-those people much...  so th-the last time we m-met - hic - w-we argued, a-and I s-said terri - hic - ble things to h-her... sh-she probably d-died thinking th-that I hated her..." she broke down crying again.

"Pet. Are you be sure that this isn't a prank?" Vernon asked, face turning grave.

Petunia shook her head. "D-Dumbledore - the headmaster o-of that blasted school - wrote this to me. H-he's the only one th-that has this handwriting. And h-he won't joke about s-something like this." she set her eyes on me. "And i-it's all because of this freak. If it weren't for her, the d-dark lord wouldn't have t-targeted them!"

"Then what are we going to do with her? Should we send her to the orphanage?" 

"N-no. We c-can't. The letter says th-that if the freak doesn't stay with us, then they would c-come after us and Dudders. And y-you know how terrible those people are..." she glared at me as if the situation was all my fault. I looked away, ashamed. I was intruding into their life, after all.

Vernon sighed and rubbed his face. "Ok then, Petunia. We are stable enough financially anyway. It won't be too much of a hassle to raise another child." his gaze landed on me as well. "As long as she doesn't show any of her parents'... freakiness, that is."

My aunt nodded, relaxing slightly now that the problem was solved, and set me down on the floor. "Well... I-I'll go and make breakfast now... we can clear out the cupboard later, and set up the freak's crib there... Vernon, go and help Dudders get dressed, o-ok?"

He nodded, and they went their separate ways, leaving me behind. Well - I thought, rubbing away my eyes - I'd better get used to my new life with the Dursleys. And hopefully, become strong enough to defeat all the future monsters that I will meet.

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