"I'll tell her I'm spending the night at Yamaguchi's. Let's go." He laces his fingers with mine and starts to walk.

I shimmy my hand out of his and put a little bit of a distance between us as I walk beside him. He frowns, getting closer to me again and attempts to grab my hand but I quickly move it.

"Don't be clingy." I mock him and he deadpans at me.

"Seriously?" He asks and I nod.

"You said I'm, and I quote, so fucking clingy. So, no hand holding right now." I let out a little 'hmph' and he looks away from me, clearly annoyed.

The rest of walk to my house was filled with small talk. Mostly about his mother though.

As we make our way into my house, I grab us both a water from the kitchen and we head up to my room.

"I think we should ask each other questions." Tsukishima says as we sit on my bed.

"Questions?" I look over at him and he nods.

"We can ask each other anything. Anything at all that we're curious about, or that has bugged us before." Tsukishima says and I nod, agreeing immediately.

"Okay, I don't have many questions about you though." I frown. "But you can ask me whatever." I send a smile his way.

"Let's lay down. I don't want to chicken out of a question because I looked at you." He grabs one of my pillows and lays down the opposite way, his head almost reaching the end of the bed.

What kind of logic is that? I wonder as I lay like that too. He places the pillow in between our heads, standing up.

"Okay, you start." I say, taking a sip of my water.

"Alright. We have to be honest, okay? But if you don't want to answer a question that's fine." He adds and I nod despite him not able to see me. "Okay, my first question. Why do you like me?"

I frown, thinking about how this is like a kids game. I thought he was more serious.

"Um, you're nice?" I raise an eyebrow, staring up at the ceiling.

"No, I'm not. And you know that. I want a real answer." He demands and I shift uncomfortably. Okay, I guess it's a little more intense than a kids game.

"Oh, okay." I say a bit awkwardly. "You want my full honesty?" I ask.


"What if part of what I say hurts your feelings?" I frown.

"I don't care, I asked the question so it's my fault." His voice comes from the other side of the pillow, and I nod.

"Okay, well. I used to think about that a lot, especially when we first started whatever it was we had. Sometimes I still think about it. I felt like I was going mentally insane due to my feelings for you. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I liked someone who was as cruel, and rude as you. You were stubborn, and thought you're above everybody else. You physically hurt me more than once, and yet I still liked you. It seemed like with every passing day I was liking you more and more. To be honest, I got quite depressed because of it. I realized that I was holding on to the the sweet version of you. Though you barely let it out, I knew it was there. Even though you were incredibly mean- and I feel like you're starting to be like that again now - I knew there was a nice side to you and I fell for that. The occasional nice part of you is what I would crave. The part of you that's sweet, patient with me, calms me down and reassures that everything is okay even if you're freaking out on the inside as well. The part of you that looks at me like I'm some type of treasure, the one that gives the best hugs, and the softest smiles, and is the cause of the constant butterflies in my stomach. As we started getting closer, and you started showing more of that to me, I knew I was fucked." I laugh at the last part. I smile up at the ceiling, reminiscing on our memories.

Sun and Moon- Tsukishima KeiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon