'What if Taehyun doesn't wake up?'

'What if we lose against SinB at the court'

'What really were Yeonjun's intentions?'

'Why did it hurt more than I thought it would when Yeonjun betrayed us?'

Unconsciously, tears ran down Joon Mee's face. She only noticed it when someone wiped them for her.

Looking up to see who did it, she came face to face with Yeonjun. Face tear-stained and slightly pale, but with moonlight hitting him just right, Joon Mee can't lie that she finds him attractive. Locking eyes with him, she saw sincerity, care, and concern in them.

It was as if time stopped and they were the only people on earth. Joon Mee staring into Yeonjun's eyes and him doing the same, they got lost inside each other and did not utter a single word.

Until Yeonjun decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry."

Joon Mee snapped out of her trance and broke eye contact with Yeonjun, softly looking down to hide her face.

"Tell me." She said, almost like a whisper.


"Tell me what happened between you and her."

Yeonjun knew who 'her' was, SinB. So he got up and sat down next to Joon Mee.

"She thought I was joking when I said that I'd report her to the police. When she saw me serious and walking towards the police, she pleaded me to not hand her in and that she would do anything for me to not to. I wanted to protect you from her so I told two conditions. The first one was to apologize to you. The second one was for her to leave Korea and never return. I just wanted her to stay away from you so that she won't be able to do anything to you again. Now that I think about it again, I should've ju-"

Yeonjun wasn't able to finish his explanation when he heard Joon Mee burst into tears again. Yeonjun didn't hesitate to hold Joon Mee in his arms, cradling her from side to side and patting her back in hopes to calm her down.

"I-I'm sorry.." Joon Mee mumbled against Yeonjun's chest.

"What? Why are you apologizing? I should be apologizing to you."

"N-No it's just t-that... all you wanted to do was to p-protect me and I.. I b-bad mouthed you and t-thought that you b-betrayed us. I-I'm so s-sorry.."

"Shh.. It's alright. If I were you, I would have done that too. It's okay."

After a while, Joon Mee calmed down. However, Yeonjun didn't let her go nor did Joon Mee pull away. They just stayed in that position, enjoying each other's presence.

"Hey Joon Mee?" Yeonjun called, earning a hum from the said person. "We're okay now, right?"

Joon Mee pulled away from Yeonjun, pretending to think.

"Nope! I haven't forgiven you yet." She said jokingly, holding back her laughter after seeing Yeonjun's reaction.

"Kidding! You're long forgiven. I can't stay mad at you for long." Joon Mee admitted smiling, a smile creeping up on Yeonjun's face as well.

"Aish.. you scared me there!" Yeonjun said while tackling Joon Mee in a hug.

"Come one, let's go to Taehyun's room. The others might be worried." Yeonjun told Joon Mee, offering his hand to her.

Joon Mee took his hand and they walked side-by-side, hand-in-hand towards Taehyun's room.

Unknown to them, someone from the third floor has been watching them from the very start.

"Hyung really likes her, huh?"

"Yeah, he does. He really does. I can see it in his eyes."

~ c h a p t e r   e n d ~

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