Chapter Six: Too Much Talk

Start from the beginning

"-begins. Well, not officially, but kind of," says Lily

"Well, what did he mean by 'this is the year he starts to realize things?" I ask them.

"You'll find out soon enough. It gets really bad over the holidays," Roxanne says.

"Roxanne shut up!" Rose says. "I swear if you tell them anything about the snake attack.... Oops!"

"Snake?" I question.

"Er- nothing!" Rose says quickly. "Forget I said that!"

"What snake attack?" Hermione asks.

"Lets go to bed?" Lily suggests but it comes out more a question.

"Great idea," Roxanne says.

Rose runs and turns out the lights. I don't care if they don't tell me. I am going to find out by what they mean. I drift off to sleep with thoughts of all the things they could've meant by snake attack. There are just so many things that I can't imagine about the future. Lily, Albus, and James are living proof of that....

Roxanne's P.O.V.

Last night I barely got any sleep. It scared me, knowing that Voldemort was out there. Alive, and getting stronger. My parents had always told me that 1995 had been a bad year, for them, for my aunts and my uncles, everybody.

This was the year that Gramps got attacked by Nagaini, one of the many hocruxes. There is so much that I could do, prevent many things, save many lives. For instance, Sirirus. I could just tell him not to go to the Department of Mysteries, but doing that could put the whole future in danger.I was also scared about Hogwarts. Teddy had pulled all of us from the future aside last night and told us that if we did go to Hogwarts, we were not to tell anyone who we really were. I was supposed to go undercover as Roxanne Kopkot. I was a transfer student from a private wizarding academy in the United States.

I walk through the hallways of 12 Grimmuald Place and finally find myself in the kitchen. Everyone is there except Albus, Hugo, and Uncle Ron,

I ate my bacon and eggs in silence with everyone else Remus, Sirius, and Tonks were in a deep discussion. Probably about the mission to come and get Harry this afternoon. Finally I couldn't stand the awkward silence anymore.

"Do we even have the slightest idea how we're going to get back yet?" I ask.

"We contacted Dumbledore last night," Teddy says. "We explained the situation. All of you are registered at Hogwarts under your fake names."

Everyone who had the last name Weasley, kept their original first name and changed their last name to Kopkot, a believable halfblood family. The three Potters will have to change their whole names, because James, Lily, and Albus could make people feel suspicious or uneasy(cough- Snape -cough). So Lily will be Riley Sanders. Albus will be Anthony(or Tony) Sanders. James will be Josiah Sanders.

"So we really have to go to Hogwarts this year?" Lily groans.

"Why is it such a big deal?" Hermione asks.

"Remember last night when we told you how Umbridge is evil. It's a big deal. At least this is the year you guys create the D-.... I mean, Umbridge is evil. Let's focus on that. And trust me, you do not want to get a detention with her," Rose says.

"Why don't we want to get detention?" Uncle Fred and my Dad say in unison.

"Just trust us," James says. "Though it would be fun to get even with her for all the pain she caused...."

"James!" said Lily. "Stop that! Stop whatever you're planning!"

"Come on Lils-"

"Do not call me Lils!"

"-you know you want revenge."

"James! Seriously! Just stop it!"

"Why not Lily? She's an evil-"

"Do not finish that sentence James!" Victoire says.

"Why do you people always rain on my parade?" James asks.

"I dunno. Why do you always act like a bloody idiot?" Hugo walked into the kitchen with a smirk.

"I do not!" James protested.

"You do," Fred says nodding. "But it's okay, I'm a bloody idiot as well."

"Definitely," I agree laughing.

"He finally admits it!" Victoire marvels.

"So, Uncle Harry's arriving later?" Hugo asked.

"Yeah," Tonks says. "He'll be here by tonight."

"Are we going to have to tell him who we are as well?" James asks.

"I'm not sure. We'll have to ask Dumbledore about it."

"So that's a no then," Lily sighs.

"What so you mean?" Remus asks.

"We this year Dumbledore tries to keep some distance from Harry," James says. "He practically-"

"Just tell them about the war will you? Shut up. We've already revealed way more than we need to." Rose throws at James.

"Well. I don't care whether or not we're allowed to tell Uncle Harry who we are," Hugo says drawing some of the attention away from James. "I'm telling him anyway."

"Are you really sure that's a good idea Hugo?" I ask.

This year is a bad year for Uncle Harry. Dad had told me all about. He started having visions of Voldemort, getting really paranoid at people, and he was nearly broken once Sirius died. Harry could go all crazy and force us to tell him things about the future. I don't think telling Harry will be all that safe.

"It may not be all that safe if you know what I mean," I tell them.

"Chill out Roxanne. Everyone else knows who we are. Why can't we just tell him?" Said Fred.

"Fred! Do you even remember what happens this year?" I ask him.

"Yes, duh. You'd have to suffer major memory loss not to remember."

"Exactly. Harry might force us to tell us what happens in the future. We can't risk that happening!"

"Fred, listen to your sister," says Teddy.

"No! It's not fair! I don't care what you say, but I'm telling him who I am."

"So am I," Hugo says.

"I am too," says Lily, with a distant look in her eyes.

"I'm in as well," says a voice behind me. It was Albus. He looked very tired.

"You know what?" I say. "Screw it, I'm in."

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