You Are My Heather PT. 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm back" jungkook said. Even though tae is completely ignoring him, jungkook still is trying to make him comfortable without him talking to tae.

Tae sighed as he layed on his bed, his thought about telling jungkook that he's moving...he doesn't know what his reaction will be.

He will be either sad or mad or both. He then thought not telling him, I mean he wouldn't care right?

The next day comes and again still seeing Heather and jungkook hanging out. He wanted this day to finish.

Tae then was drinking his strawberry milk when he saw them kiss. His strawberry milk dropped on the ground with tears forming in his eyes.

He then ran away, he doesn't want to see that sight any longer. His heart is aching so badly, his love for jungkook...Heather's taking him away from tae.

He hid behind a tree as he cried all his tears out. He's shaking, he really want to push Heather away from him but it's too late. He already has feelings for her.

I guess it's really time to move on

"yeah hello dad? Yeah I'll move"

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather

Tae sighed as he place his things In a box, it's his final box to fix and all he have to do is put it in the car. Yeah he borrowed his dad's car.

"I'm back" jungkook said and tae doesn't bother, he's moving anyways without telling him and he doesn't plan on telling him.

He continued packing and saw a picture of both of them together. It was a gift from jungkook back then since he loves photography.

He sighed and placed it on his desk. He checked if the cost is clear so he could bring the box to the car then left with one box.

The next day he put all the boxes in the car through the night and this is the last day he will be attending this school.

He has a lot of memories with jungkook here but it's time to say goodbye. At night he will be leaving, tae wished he could see his face one last time but he can't cause his heart will ache that he still wanted to stay.

Its now night time, he has to leave. He looked at his room one last time and its completely empty, except for the picture of them together on his desk.

He looked at it one last time.

"goodbye jungkook..."

He then walked to his car, in his mind wondering what will jungkook's reaction will be.

"TAE!" he stopped, it's the voice he doesn't want to hear.

"tae where are you going?! Why are your stuff gone?!" tae didn't look at him and took a deep breath.

"Im transferring" tae said without looking at him.

"what?! Without even telling me?!"

"you wouldn't care anyways"

"why wouldn't I care huh? I care for you tae from the bottom of my heart" jungkook held onto taes arm tightly.

"you're just saying that so I could stay"

"I want you to stay! I don't know what I'll do without you!" tae slapped his hand away.

"then move in with Heather, It'll be better right?"

"what? Why is Heather suddenly in our conversation? We're talking about you and me" jungkook said in an angered tone.

"oh please jungkook don't deny it anymore! Just admit it you love Heather!" tae finally looked at jungkook.

"what?! Why would I love her?!"

"oh please why are you denying it?! Didn't you know how broken I am seeing you drift away from me?!" tae's tears are now flowing out.

"didn't you know how broken I am when you chose to hang out with her instead of me!"

"t-tae-" jungkook is speechless its all his fault.

"now leave me be! I don't want to see you ever again!" before tae could go away jungkook grabbed tae's wrist and pulled him to a kiss.

Tae was shocked at first but he pushed him away. He doesn't want to do the same mistake again.

"jungkook don't, you've done it once so don't do it again. Don't even kiss me if you don't even mean it"

"I mean it because I love you tae" tae scoffed.

"are you saying this because you pity me? Did you just forgot that you kissed her?"

"I mean it, ever since the first time I met you I loved you, I didn't tell you how I feel because I don't our friendship to be ruined, and the kiss with Heather, I was supposed to make her ex jealous but it surprised me that she suddenly kissed me" tae didn't say anything because he is speechless, he wants to deny his beating heart.

"goodnight jungkook" tae turned away but jungkook is quick enough to go back hug him.

"jungkook let go" tae then froze when he heard sniffles on his nape, he's crying.

"I mean it tae...dont leave me please, I don't want to be alone, I want you beside me always" jungkook cried and this time tae actually felt it, jungkook's sincerity in saying it which makes him cry too.

"b-but I'm not Heather" jungkook turned him around and wiped tae's eyes with his thumb.

"of course you're not Heather, you're taehyung, you're perfect just the way you are and that's what I love about you" tae's heart skips a bit and started crying again.

"y-you dummy! I was s-supposed to transfer" tae cried on his chest, jungkook patting his back.

"if you transfer, I'll transfer too but not right now my mom will be mad that I transfer so suddenly" tae chuckled feeling better.

"but you love me too right?" jungkook asked and tae nodded.

"yeah of course I love you too" the both of them smiled.

"you know I always wished that I were Heather" jungkook pecked tae's head.

"if she is everyone's Heather then...

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were

"you are my Heather"


Heyy I hope you guys liked the part 2!!!
Its kinda fast but I hope you still liked it :)

If there are any errors tell me so I can edit it :)

Oh yeah STREAM LIFE GOES ON let's support our boys

Thank u and have a nice day :)

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