chaos is a child named meg

Start from the beginning

"So it's true. You're completely mortal. There's an aura of death around you—a thick possibility of death."

Meg snorted. "Sounds like a weather forecast."

Hina wasn't as amused. She did not need the reminder that Nico knew what he was talking about when it came to death. He was never wrong, including with Leo.

Will put his hand on Nico's shoulder. "Nico, we need to have another talk about your people skills."

"Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. If this is Apollo, and he dies, we're all in trouble."

"I apologize for my boyfriend," Will frowned.

Nico rolled his eyes. "Could you not—"

"Would you prefer special guy?" Will asked. "Or significant other?"

"Significant annoyance, in your case," Nico grumbled.

"Oh, I'll get you for that."

Hina loved Will and trusted him completely, but she still couldn't fathom his adoration for Nico. Seeing his power in action during the trip to the House of Hades had been enough for her. But, for her brother, she was willing to do her best to understand the son of Hades.

Meg wiped her dripping nose. "You guys fight a lot. I thought we were going to see a centaur."

"And here I am." The screen door opened. Chiron trotted out, ducking his head to avoid the doorframe.

Chiron smiled, but there was no light in his eyes. "Apollo, it's good you are here. We need to talk about the disappearances."

If anyone ever asked Hina to write a list of things she hated about Camp Half-Blood, Chiron's need for ominous conversation starters would make her top ten.

Meg was quiet for a full minute, her mouth hanging open. "He—he really is a centaur."

"You thought we were joking?" Hina asked.

"Well spotted," Apollo said. "I suppose the lower body of a horse is what gave him away?"

Meg hit him with enough force for Hina to feel bad.

"Chiron," Apollo greeted, rubbing his arm where Meg had punched him. "this is Meg McCaffrey, my new master and wellspring of aggravation. You were saying something about disappearances?"

The centaur instead gave Meg a smile, his tail swishing nervously. "Welcome, Meg. I understand you showed great bravery in the woods. You brought Apollo here despite many dangers. I'm glad to have you at Camp Half-Blood."

"Thanks," Meg grinned. "You're really tall. Don't you hit your head on light fixtures?"

To Hina's surprise, Chiron chuckled and begun explaining his magical wheelchair. It was obvious he was avoiding Apollo's questions.

"The disappearances, Chiron," Hina prompted impatiently.

"What has disappeared?" Apollo demanded.

"Not what, but who," Chiron said. "Let's talk inside. Will, Nico, could you please tell the other campers we'll gather for dinner in one hour? I'll give everyone an update then. In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."

"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"

"You are a dork," Nico announced.

The two of them strolled off bickering. 

Regardless of how Hina felt about Nico, he made Will happier than ever and she couldn't argue with that.

A wave of sadness washed over her: she could almost hear a ghost of Leo uttering Will's words, his arm linking through her own.

Suddenly, Meg was tugging on Hina's sleeve as Chiron led Apollo into the Big House. Hina took a quick breath and followed the group.

Inside, Seymour the leopard head was snoring contently, breaking through the silence. 

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