Chapter 8: A step in the right direction

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Adjusting to life with a baby was, by no means, easy. In fact, Lucifer was seriously thinking of putting it on the top ten hardest things he had ever done, right underneath the rebellion. However, the big difference was that fatherhood had contributed to his happiness significantly more than rebelling, which did kind of smoothen out the path.

It didn't take long for them to discover that Clover was an easy baby, as Chloe would put it. Truth be told, Clover was the only baby Lucifer had known in his eons of life, and being her dad was nothing short of difficult and stressing, but learning from Chloe that it could be worse made him feel thankful. She only cried when it was extremely necessary, and woke up two or three times at night, which actually allowed them to get a decent night's sleep. She'd had a little bit of colic but not too much, and had been cluster-feeding for about a week right around the time she turned one month old, but other than that they didn't have that many challenges. Putting up with all of that had been worth it the minute they both saw Clover smile at them for the very first time. It had been the closest thing to magic they had experienced in their lifetimes.

As the days went by, Clover looked more and more like her mother. She had a thick coat of dark blonde hair, soft eyebrows, pouty lips and her mother's button nose. She was a miniature version of Chloe, every day that went by she looked more and more like her, and both her parents secretly loved that. However, in the eye department, Chloe's blue pools were no match to Lucifer's chocolate orbs. The two-month-old was well on her way to having her father's eyes, a dark shade of brown already coating them, even if they still had time to change until she was six months old. Also, another thing they knew she would have were freckles, and those were all on Lucifer's side, too. She had quite a respectable number of moles, and her skin seemed to be just like Lucifer's, which allowed them to conclude that as soon as the little thing got exposed to the sun for more than half an hour, she'd get freckles.

Ironically enough, having a child together seemed to have been just what Lucifer and Chloe needed to get their partnership on track, both at work and at home. If he had known, they would've had Clover far earlier. Things just seemed to start falling into place as time went by. Chloe had finally ditched every single speck of fear she had ever felt towards him, and it had been replaced by her usual eyerolls and snorts at his remarks. He had gone back to being his devilish self, making all the same puns he usually would when alone, and limiting himself a bit when the big spawn was around.

Partnership-wise, they were pretty confident they were going back to being the awesome team they had always been, making Los Angeles a safer place for all its residents from nine to five, and changing diapers and singing lullabies on the remaining hours. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

Lucifer had learned to keep his more celestial bits under control, and he wouldn't say it, but not being able to access his devil face had been a huge help towards achieving that. Only having his wings at his disposal, much like how things had been before he fell, made him think of taking a less scary approach when working cases, only so the number of murderers transferred into the psych ward would diminish. Chloe had been glad when he told her that. After all, prison was always worse than a mental hospital, and although they would always end up in Hell when their time came, what they did while they were on earth was still important, still deserving of punishment.

On Chloe's side, things had also taken a turn for the better. Seeing Lucifer interact with their daughter, seeing how much the little girl liked to spend her time in her daddy's arms, seeing how gentle and caring he was with her, it all made her throw the few reservations she still had out of the window. There was no way that the man she was raising her youngest daughter with had done all the vile things humanity said he did, and still had it in him to treat a newborn with such gentleness. There was just no way, and she was glad she had drawn that conclusion.

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