Chapter 2: Make me lose control

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Words? Of what use could they be?

Lucifer had been rendered the epitome of speechless. His brain couldn't process what he had seen, his mouth couldn't express it, his eyes couldn't believe it. There was nada, zilch, that could be said about Chloe's reappearance.

"Hi, guys," she greeted them happily, waltzing in there as if the past six months hadn't happened, as if she hadn't left without an explanation.

"Chloe! Oh my god, I missed you so much!" Daniel quickly jumped out of his desk chair and rushed to hug his ex-wife and friend, seemingly failing to notice the huge elephant in the room. "Don't you ever pull that on us again, you had me worried sick!"

"I know, I know, Dan. I'm sorry, I... I just needed to work through some issues and I thought... Might as well take some of my unused vacation days," she said, purposefully keeping her eyes from placing themselves on the tall, dark, handsome devil that was now behind Daniel.

"How's Trix? Gosh, I missed her so much!" Daniel was, needless to say, ecstatic to have Chloe back. And so would be Lucifer... if only that baby bump weren't the only thing he could focus on.

"She's great. She's been obsessing over gelato lately! It was so difficult to get her to leave Rome after she discovered that stuff,"

So, Rome huh? What could Chloe have possibly wanted to do with Europe? There was so much information headed Lucifer's way that it became overwhelming to try and process it all. Much like in a sensory overload, he stopped thinking, responding, understanding, even.

"Can I take her for a couple of days? I've missed my little monkey so much," and, thanks to the filter-less mouth to brain connection he had, he just ended up blurting out what he would normally say, only with his eyes fixated on the detective's enlarged stomach.

"Tell me about it. The only thing he knew how to do was whine about how much he missed your spawn," and although Chloe tried her best to ignore it, to ignore the way that his all-too-Lucifer comment made her feel, she was unable to. She had to look up. She had to meet his eyes.

"Hi, Lucifer..." and her voice kind of died down at the last syllable of his name.

"Welcome back, Detective..." he said with his voice as bittersweet as it could possibly get, conveying all the emotions her return made him feel with an accuracy worthy of an ovation. "And company," and he really couldn't help it but let his eyes fall back down to where her stomach was, all plump and full of life. If he concentrated enough he could even hear the heartbeat of the spawn she had growing inside of her. "I take it Rome was a lot of fun, am I right?"

"Yeah, it was..." she trailed off, finally giving the devil enough attention to notice what his eyes were staring at, and how he seemed to feel about it. "Yeah,"

"Oh. Oh..." Dan finally seemed to catch up with what was actually happened, and when he looked at what Lucifer was looking, he, too, had a slight interval of confusion. "Wait. Chloe, you're pregnant?"

"I... I thought it was kinda obvious," she mumbled with her voice as small as it could possibly get, holding hands with herself right below her prominent abdomen.

"How did that happen?" Daniel asked incredulously, momentarily forgetting about everything he had heard on Lucifer's end, forgetting about how the devil felt about the woman before them.

"Yes, Detective. How did that happen?" Lucifer copied Dan, faking interest and sounding notoriously irritated. Of all the ways he had imagined their reunion, neither of those included finding her pregnant.

"I..." she stuttered, not knowing what to say. "Actually, um... Lucifer? Can we... Maybe, um... Talk in private?"

"Gladly," Lucifer said almost immediately, right at the same time Daniel seemed to catch onto what was happening and why his presence was no longer as welcomed as it used to be. They had a story together, and if Lucifer really felt everything he told him he did, then Chloe must also feel something for him too. A baby thrown in the middle of that already scary and unstable mixture could easily cause it to set off.

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