Danny had mourned the loss of his sister alone. He didn't eat or sleep for a few days. After her funeral, Danny saw his parents at least once or twice a week. They stopped making meals and instead ordered in, taking the food and going down to their lab. Danny had mostly been surviving off of cereal and fruit snacks. However, they had eventually ran out. He tried his best to ignore the hunger pains but eventually they got bad enough to where he couldn't sleep. He ended up deciding to go ask his parents for help, which he ended up regretting.

He walked down the metal stairs and towards his parents lab. He hadn't been down there before, his parents had once explained to him that it was to dangerous for him. At least that was when he was four, he was turning seven in a few months so surly it didn't apply to him anymore. He softly knocked on the metal door but got no answer. He pushed it open with all the strength he had in his little six-year-old body. He managed to open it just enough to where he could slip through.

"M-Momma?" He played with the hem of his worn out sleeve nervously as he looked around the lab. He spotted his parents by a pile of boxes full of new machine parts. They didn't seem to hear him so he stepped closer.

"Momma? I'm hungry" he said in a timid voice. Maddie made a 'shoo-ing' motion with her hand. Danny turned around to leave but stopped when his stomach began to cramp painfully. He turned around and cleared his throat.

"P-Please, my tummy hurts"

"We're busy" his Dad gruffly answered, hands buried in the box of machine parts.

"Can you help me get the eggos from the freezer? I-I can't reach and it'll only take-"

"I said we're BUSY" His father turned around and threw a metal part he grabbed from one of the boxes.

Wether it meant to or not, it ended up hitting Danny in the forehead. He doesn't remember much afterwards, only that he woke up on the kitchen floor with a bloody mark on the middle of his forehead and a pounding headache. It eventually became a scar which he hid with his hair. Danny stopped trying to get his parents to notice him after that incident. Or at least, he should have.

When he was 10, he foolishly believed he could fix his parent's ghost portal they had spent half their lives trying to make. He thought that if he could fix their invention, that it would somehow magically make things better. It wouldn't bring his sister back, but maybe it would bring his parents back. So he put on a jumpsuit and went inside the massive machine. He looked around for a bit before deciding to check on the outside. As he was making his way back, he tripped on a wire and ended up leaning on the wall for support. He remembered something beeping, then waking up on the floor of the lab.

Oh how the universe must hate him. Being diagnosed Quirkless then having everyone around him, except for his big sister, turn around and pretend like he didn't exist. The only form of decent attention he got was when Teachers gave him a sticker or a piece of candy for answering a question correctly in class. Then finally, when the world decided to gift him with a quirk, it was one that gave him ghost abilities. Ghosts, the one thing his parents hated more than him.

Getting his quirk was a blessing in disguise. Danny wasn't happy at first, not at all. He had grown to despise quirks. Or rather, he had grown to despise how society painted them to be a symbol of power. Made them seem so essential in life. People with strong, flashy quirks were praised and focused on. The people with 'useless' or 'weak' quirks were thrown aside, ignored, and treated like trash. However he soon realized he could help people like him. He could help people who suffered from the abuse and bullying. Even when he wasn't in his hero persona, it still gave him the strength to stand up for others. He helped the kids who were bullied in his school, although it did cause the bullies to go after him more. Still, he didn't care. Just as long as he helped others.

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