Chapter 6: More than 2 Anna's is 2 Much

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AN: I have major writers block and hundreds of tests and then we have finals coming up. 

Unknown POV  

   Today is a new day and a better day for everyone to plan a break out. I can see the future and we'll be free by the favorite one. I wonder why she helps she always gets to have all the nice powers and not be so locked up with 3 different roommates. Ugh I wish I didn't have to see everyone's future when they touch me. I always see their future with me and it almost always ends up in them either cheating or stabbing me in the back. I mean I could wait the three more days but then again I really want to get out of here now. "Hey third eye wanna tell us what we're having for lunch tomorrow." Angel....I absolutely hate Angel. I believe they put us together to see who kills who first. And if I had strength like she did I would totally crush her without thinking twice.

Beca's POV

   Everyone is talking about a rescue mission of course they had the undercover cops involved. I mean they couldn't just do it on their own. I have not been listening to anything they have said so far because Brittany has been sitting infront of me this whole time and all I can think about is how her beautiful luscious lips moving ooh so kissable.

   "ANNA!!" Brittany screamed in my face. I didn't even know she moved forward, or this close to me maybe I should get it over with and just kiss her. "I have been calling your name for so long where did you go off to."

   "Oh ahh.. Nothing just your conversation is very boring and I don't feel very well, plus we can also add the fact that I can't go so I'll be stuck in the house with Hailee. Really out of everyone I'll be stuck with Hailee." She really is so young it'll be like I am looking after her.

   I really need to sneeze right now, I didn't hold it back and sneezed so hard that my chair scoot back a little. Now everyone is looking at me like I've lost my mind for sneezing. "Well shit. Is this Anna pregnant too cuz if not then I finally have someone to get drunk with and cause more trouble.. I meant be nice and help old ladies cross the street while cars are passing by with ultra speed." Rebel said staring behind my head with a bewildered expression. I looked towards mom because she is the best sensible one out of all of us. "Mom what does Amy mean by this Anna?" I'm really starting to become more confused than ever.

   "I think you should just turn around."

   I turned around slowly to see more than one me standing there. I mean it sees me, I see it, we see each other. 

   "AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I faced an identical me staring directly into my eyes.

   "AHHHHHH!!!" It screamed right back almost like its copying me.

   "What the hell there's another me standing right there and no one thought to say 'Hey Anna there's another you appearing out of absolutely no where standing behind you.' No. Hhm no one thought of this." I was freaking out inside and out. I sneezed two more times only to open my eyes and see two more Anna's staring at me. They all looked so childish like they don't know what to do or where they are. I don't even know if these things are supposed to exist. Please don't let this affect anything or turn out bad because that seems to be the end of everything these days. 

   "Ok so every time Anna sneezes she clones herself great. This is why we shouldn't have had that Disney marathon before you went to bed on the first day back." Brittany spoke up about it. Wait she was the one who sung the Disney songs to get me to go shopping with her so how is this my fault.

   "Wait what does that have to do with anything. Where talking about the duplicates of me and that one is trying to eat a shoe. HEY put that down your not a dog. Don't look at me like that your puppy dog eyes won't work." There are three more of me standing and wondering around the house like they've never seen these everyday things before. I mean you've lived in me you should know what it is right. AHHH CHOO OH GOD HELP ME.

   "Ok this is to much I can't tell the original from the copy if they were acting like real people would and not so weird. Like Anna number three over there is licking everything in the kitchen which is so disgusting." Anna Camp points out. Rebel then got up and went to the computer table to take out some labels." Ok so what are we naming them or do you want to stick a number on them? Can they even count or talk? I mean that one is reading a book and it seems to learn very quickly. * huge gasp * Maybe we can use them as decoys for our plan quick Anna keep sneezing." 

   CRASH *GASP* Two Anna's point fingers at each other. "You break." Anna#1 said. "NOO you break." Anna#3 "No you put in mouth when hurt you drop."Anna#1 is way more believable seeing as #3 has been licking everything. Wait is that why this table is wet. 

   "Guys can we forget about the Anna's right now. There is plenty more plates in the cabinet I'm pretty sure she won't break all of them right number 3." She nods her head furiously and moves to sit on the couch scared to break anything else. Good idea we need all four Anna's here for this. 

   "Hey # 1, 2, and 4. Couch now, and don't move."

   "Guys Hana got into the security system so the plan is moving faster we might be able to do this tomorrow." Alexis came into the living room to tell us then went back into the dining room. I look towards the Anna's then the dining room with everyone hovering over the computer. We need to train these things if there going with us because they aren't going with me like that. They'll ruin everything, the only thing they're good at is listening as of the moment. *sigh* This is gonna be a very long day.

A/N Sorry this book is going slow I have to do a bunch of work. Life isn't going right at all and I don't have a computer. It's really hard to write on your phone so I'm trying my best here. If anyone could guess the Disney movie and who the characters represent you will have a chapter and a character for yourselves.

YOU MAY BE BROKEN BUT YOUR MINEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें