Chapter4: WTF

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          It's been a couple of weeks, Anna refuses to tell the therapist or even me what happened. She's couped up in the house all day pretending to be fine and busy with stuff that I know she doesn't have. So I've decided to take her out of the house for the day. It might help her be free a little. We can wear a disguise and walk around without everyone screaming at her. I still don't understand how people can ask for a picture but not ask if your ok or how she's coping with life, but I guess that's just the celebrity life for everyone.

          Anna has a baby bump now bit it's so small you wouldn't know she's pregnant unless she tells you. I think she needs to eat more, but we'll find out when we go to the doctor this friday it's only Wednesday. I'm very excited I get to go with her and see the bean before everyone else. Everyone voted me to stay with Anna because apparently she likes me more and I finally can ask her to be mine, but I don't think that this is a very good time to ask her this. "Anna." No Answer. "Anna can you open the door." She was just moving around on her room. "You know in the movie the roles were reversed right. Anna was trying to get Elsa to come outside, but if you wanna be Elsa then ok." "Elsa?

Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play!
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away We used to be best buddies

And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!-"

            She finally opens the door and gives me a funny look. "What is there something on my face." I asked tilting my head slightly. "No, its just you are very weird, sometimes you get weirder everyday." She shakes her head and walks over to her bed sitting on the edge facing me. "So, what did u want."

            " I wanted to know if u wanted to go out and do something with me. We have been in this house for way too long. Don't you want to get out more or breathe in some fresh air."

             " I don't need to go out I can feel fresh air through my window. And what is there even to do we can chill and watch TV, and never leave from this house ever again, until it's born. Think about the relaxation before the baby comes out of me. well you have relaxation while I get tortured first hand."

              " Anna don't say it like that you make that sound so bad and lets at least go grocery and clothing shopping. Lets go buy baby clothes. We can buy them in neutral colors since we don't know the gender yet."

               " Britt, if this gets you to lose most of the energy you have stored in the body of yours then fine." She heavily sighed as she agrees.


             It took Anna at least an hour to get ready. She claimed if she were to get paparazzied, then she was to get it done in style. All her clothes was seriously big for her and it made me feel sad ,but luckily, she had some old clothes in the back of her closet that fits her perfectly. To be tiny and for her to get even tinier is quite sad. today I'm going to get her a whole new wardrobe. We finally  pulled up to the mall first. We'll get clothes then groceries then we can go home.

                   "Are you ready?" "Yeah just let me get my sunglasses."

            We're walking into the store and you can already see the papps but they weren't approaching us. I guess they learned their lesson from the last time they cornered a pregnant Anna.


      After 50 outfits later Anna finally chose 5. 5 OUT OF 50 OUTFITS SHE CHOOSES 5. What was the point of trying all the outfits on to pick only 5.

"You know what Anna we're getting everything because you need clothes and you look awesome and breathe taking in every thing that you picked out so far. I'll pay for them and then we can go grocery shopping and go home because you're feet must be killing you by now."

  " Britt I can pay for them myself you don't need to buy them, and to top it all off you didn't try anything on or buy anything for yourself so your basically paying for my whole entire wardrobe and it's fifty outfits that's a lot to pay for all by yourself."

   Anna kept rambling on about me paying for her clothes she didn't notice that we reached the cashier and I already payed for everything.  By the time she realizes this we already bagged everything up and was ready to leave the store. It was kind of amusing to see her rambling through that whole entire process. It was like she was on automatic or something.


We parked as close as we can to the entrance. Not wanting Anna to walk too far. As we got in the store, I swear Anna started to drool at the amount of junk food she saw around her. "Okay let's start with the healthy stuff first." I said as I dragged her from the chocolate section. "But, But, But, it's chocolate Brittany." She whined as I continued walking over to the vegetable aisle. The face she was making was so cute. She was pouting and her eyebrows were scrunched together. She rests her head on my shoulder and begs me to turn around and at least by her a bag of M&M's. "Anna we can get M&M's later. But first, we need the healthy stuff so you and the little bean in there can be perfect."

"I'm not perfect."

"That's not what I meant Anna."

"But you said that I need to be perfect. I heard you say it and I hear everything, so I didn't mistake anything."

"I meant perfectly healthy forever. Your already perfect and beautiful." I gave A nervous chuckle at the end. When Anna is mad, she becomes murderous and I don't wanna die today, or anytime before the age of 80. 

We got everything and of course we couldn't forget to get Annas M&M's and it just had to be the biggest bag on the shelf. Checkout was kind of hard with the costumers asking for autographs. When it was finally our turn to check out the Cashier didn't even acknowledge the fact that we were famous and she just treated us like a regular costumer. I guess she was just tired, i mean i am too. I'll grab the bags and you can put the cart back."

We're heading out to the car and Anna's in front of me. Next thing I know so unexpectedly a car comes speeding around the corner straight towards Anna. And it hit her I didn't even have time to call her name or warn her bout the car.

But that's not the weird part. Anna was totally fine. She was just standing there like nothing happened just watching the driver through the windshield. But the car was totally wrecked and split down the half a little. It had her body indented into it and everyone was taking videos and it was chaos. The papps were already having a field day about it. I quickly grabbed Anna and rushed her into the car. We couldn't go anywhere because it would be a hit and run if we did, but I needed to get her away from all of this. she was in a state of shock and wasn't moving, just staring off into nothingness.

We're all gonna have one hell of a talk.

A/n I spent way to long trying to get the picture to stay until I gave up and just said fuck it.

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