Chapter:1 Awake and Alive With Secrets to Tell

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A/N: This will be a long chapter but hopefully a good one

   *Gasp! I needed air pronto. Surgeons rushing up and down doing things I can't quite see.Then it occurs to me that I woke up during surgery." Get her down again."She spoke so calmly like i did wake up during a dangerous process.

   Everything goes back to the black empty space. My third time being here. It's awkward and sometimes lonely, but mostly I can feel safe and quiet. Something peaceful.

   "Anna, it's Brittany. You have to wake up please. You have to." That was the tenth day I heard her beg me to, I tried I promise I did. Ow my head hurts. I wiggled my fingers feeling them burn."She's awake look." It's nice to hear her a little more excited and happier than how she was a few minutes ago. 

   I can feel multiple eyes around me waiting, watching. I felt a bigger hand holding mine,much like the one I escaped,but it wasn't Brittany so I pulled away. "Well I feel hurt."It was Rebel. I want to see them, i want to open my eyes but i can't and I don't want to because if i do I have to tell them and I can't.Brittany holds my hand again, but this time it's like she begs me. "Anna you have to get up please." She's back to crying again.

Brittany's POV

   She just lies there. Anna is already pale ,but she looks much more of a sickly color. Just seeing her with all kinds of wires and tubes connected to her. " Can you all back up please?" The whole cast was with me. We all turned to the nurse that walks through the door. They started putting on masks and gloves. "Please step back." She said it so calm. How can doctors be so calm with these situations. Anna's body starts shaking and she's taking in huge gasps of air. I can't watch but I don't want to look away.

A nurse puts a bag by her mouth. No one does anything about the breathing problem. I tried to ask what was wrong but either they didn't hear me over all the beeping and crying or they ignored me.

When it was done it wasn't vomit it was pure blood she gagging into the bag. It was done after a few moments.

 "5 ml there should've been 10. This may be a problem or not." I now think that doctors have no emotions. We're crying trying to figure out what the HELL it's happening.

 "It doesn't have to be a problem, it could have been cleared the another way or delayed or both." She was whispering but everyone could still hear her. She walks over to the doctor, "These levels are high which could only mean one thing in this case. Um..She's pregnant." Every gasped it was shocking . The one person who was afraid of kids is going to have one. "That could also be why she's not waking up. Her body went into a defense system."

"Um..can we rewind just a little." Annabelle, Anna's Mom breaks the silence everyone was in. "You told us my daughter is pregnant. How? Did he do it?" Beca probably didn't want to wake up to tell us."um.. Yeah. Well, if you have any more questions Dr.Charles will answer them. "

"You can wake up now we know." Anna Camp spoke out of nowhere breaking the awkward silence between everyone. Camp never liked Kendrick. She claims Kendrick stole her name, the main role, and her husband from her.We all know Anna is a common name, Kendrick fit the role better, and Skylar and her divorce was for a whole other reason than him wanting to be with Kendrick which he doesn't. A nurse whispers something to Anna.

Anna's POV

"It's OK we know your trying don't listen to her just let it come naturally." She whispered so softly. I wonder what she looks like. Her hands are so cold. I'm so cold. "I"ll countdown for you. FIVE..." Wait I need more time.


"THREE..." Will the even want me back? Will she want me?

"TWO..." It won't hurt me to try maybe I can be normal again and actually get Brittany. And even if I won't admit it I need help.


I open my eyes and quickly shut them because of how bright the lights are. The nurse stretches over me and turns the light down.

It's been so long since I've seen there faces. I've always wanted to see them from that place of darkness and torture. I'm probably not gonna ever trust anyone so easily now."Anna. Hey." She was crying over me. WOW. Brittany Snow crying over someone like me. That's a miracle. Maybe I should say hey back and stop staring, but an angel in hell is a very rare occurrence .

"Anna, you remember me right,you remember us. The whole cast. Everyone's her." "Um...Yeah I do can't really forget you guys that easily. I'm just wondering why a pretty, perfect, gorgeous girl like you is in hell, I mean,i know why i'm here but you-"

"Sorry guys but with the level and amount of medication she's on she will be speaking what we call truth for a while." Dr.Charles explains and leaves to get Anna's prescription. "I'm still trying to figure out how your not surprised i'm in hell too."Rebel exclaims lightening the mood.

" To be really honest Rebel, as your best friend under truth your the first one after me that will most likely go to hell with me or before me. Doesn't matter your gonna be my first friend down here, there, or wherever hell is. Did you know no one knows exactly..." The doctor comes in and explains that Anna will have to be here a couple of days to check her and the baby.

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