Chapter: 5 Now You Know

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Everyone was already in the living room when we walked in. They were waiting on us. And of course, Rebel was already laying back on the couch eating the snacks I got for Anna. It was dead silent and awkward; Anna still has not moved or said a word throughout the whole of what felt like an hour of staring at each other. I can feel like her mother knows somethings up, but I do not want to question her. She is literally sweating bullets and it like 50 degrees in here because for some reason Anna likes to be frozen cold.

"So, um.... Anyone else feels so awkward at this moment. And is Anna ok because she looks like she's seen a ghost and I'm pretty sure she's the ghost or the powerful human being that's going to take over the world." Rebel broke the silence in the room.

"Really Rebel Anna got hit with a car at full speed, the car is totaled, and she has gotten not even a scratch. Media is swarming her door to figure out what in gods name has made this happen. And the first thing you do IS CALL HER A GHOST! Sorry for yelling but I'M STRESSED RIGHT NOW!" Anna Camp yelled while pacing back and forth. Alexis just pulled her down into her seat and told her to breathe.

And this is going south pretty fast because at the minute there is so much people on the front lawn just waiting for a mistake to happen but they can't get past the gate, hopefully, and there's everyone's car lined off outside. Ok you know what I just gotta go for it. "Mrs. Kendrick can you please tell us what's going on because it looks like you know something that we don't."

She looked so scared. "He did it. He changed her. I do not know why she did not say anything to us. She could have at least told me. He runs a weird business, well at least he used to, and it had something to do with DNA and some alteration stuff. I just thought he was a doctor. All this time he was trying to change humans and the whole race, I think. I do not really know what he was trying to do. He was crazy, that is why we had a divorce. He was so fascinated by fairytales and how they change forms, be invisible, they can be indestructible, and have all kinds of powers and do all kinds of things that no human can do. He believed he can do that and from the looks of it I guess he succeeded at it." She continued bouncing her legs in a nervous like pattern.

"Ok... so how do we get her back. I don't think she's coming out of this state of shock right now." I said dragging out the ok.

"We just have to wait until she reprograms."

"How do you know so much about what's happening if you don't support it."

"Because there's more of them out there were every Anna ran from. I never liked what he was doing after he explained it to me. I tried to get him to stop but it's like talking to a brick, so I divorced him and took Beca. But then I left everyone else which hurts my soul. I wish I could go back and get them but there's no way without knowing where they are."

"Maybe we can get them. We just gotta wait for Beca to come around and then she can show us where to go safe them. We can make it into an adventure. They can't be really sealed tight with security now that he's dead." Hailee suggests.

"It might not be that easy. He's not that stupid, he has plans just incase he goes missing or is found dead. I mean he can't really be that cocky to not have plans like that. Unless he really is, but then again, we are talking about Beca's father. He might be the smartest idiot out there to begin with. We could give it a shot, but where will we put all these people because I don't think we'll find just 3 or 4 people in there."

"They could most likely be missing kids that we can find and give back to their families if you think about it that way." Anna Camp pitches in.

"Knowing him he would have most likely grabbed people without families and kids off the streets with no place to go. He thinks smart." Ms. Kendrick replies.

While everyone is discussing a plan on this weird subject. I felt Anna grip my hand before I could say anything to the others, she shakes her head no and just grimaces in pain. She holds her stomach and the first thing I thought about was the baby, but then she threw up all over herself and the carpet. "OMG she's worse than Camp's Aubrey character." Rebel screams as she backs up onto the chair more. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna get this out of the fricking carpet. This is gonna smell so bad.

"Well let me guess. She's done reprogramming."



It took a while for Beca to stop and she's eating all the food. Apparently getting hit by a car makes her hungry. Her words not mine. Everyone decides to just chill out and sleep over in Anna house today and continue whatever this is tomorrow. We're all exhausted from today and I can imagine how exhausted Anna Is too.

" GUYS ANNA DISAPPEARED." Rebel shouted from the kitchen calmly. Everyone was running to the kitchen to see what she meant by that. They was just Rebel sitting by the table with her phone and eating a sandwich. "Where's Anna." 

"She was sitting there, then she sneezed and disappeared. She turned invisible. I think we just wait for her to sneeze again and it will be all right." Rebel is taking an invisible Anna way to well.

"Is there something we should be aware of right now because this feels like a trap."

"Nope nothing wrong." As Rebel says this 2 floating buckets of water splashes everyone. We could here Anna and another invisible person laughing. When they both appeared it was just two Anna's. They high fived Amy and ran away laughing. "WTF. That should not be normal. I'm having a brain overload right now. This is so cool and awesome, but also terrifying. Anna can become two Anna's. We now have three Anna's. This is why I failed math ok it's to confusing." Hailee outbursts from the back.

"You know what I am not even gonna complain at this point in time. I'm gonna go change into some new warm and DRY clothes, because I don't feel like being sick." If I only knew how bad I just jinxed this situation I would have just shut the hell up.

"Yep I'm with you there." everyone dispersed from the kitchen to get some dry clothes.

A/n: It's finally done My updating always take long because for me it has to be at least a thousand words in. But thanks Comment and vote. Tell me what you wanna see next.

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