Chapter 2: Distant Thoughts

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    A/N: Sorry guys I had a whole ton of test literally every day and the fact that it's math makes it much more difficult! But I will at least try to up date now.

  Everyone was thinking about the same thing, Anna. When Anna finishes the mental test/checkup she will sign the release papers and be on her way. is what she thought. She refused to get in the wheelchair after ten minutes of arguing, which feels like an hour, with a nurse, they gave up and let Anna walk out.

  Paps where everywhere and security had to follow Anna out. She was being picked up by Brittany.

  "Anna how does it feel to be back!"

"What was it like in there?"

Is it true your pregnant?"

"Were you raped?"

Anna's pov

  I stopped walking and just stared at them. It felt like I was underwater. I can hear them but not clearly. I hear but don't listen. I watch but don't see. My stomach starts to turn, flip, jump, anything that makes it go wild. I am pregnant and your about to find out.

  I hurled all over most of the paparazzi that was closer to me. It wasn't what i thought it would be, it wasn't vomit it was pure blood. Outside I' just standing like everything is okay. My body not knowing this probably isn't normal and I should be freaking out right now. On the inside my body got the memo. screaming but won't come out my mouth.

"Well it was probably delayed. that definitely looks like the other half of the 10 milliliter ."The doctor behind me looked shocked and the paps looked disgusted. They all fled and went to probably get clean and disturb another celebrity.Well at least I know how to get rid of the paps. Just vomit a little bit of everything and they'll go running.

  Just then Brittany's car rolls up.

I made them give me about for disinfectant showers. After we got in the car half of the hour in there was so silent. Awkward silence.

    "So...umm...We wondering if you want to stay with someone or by yourself. Of course if you stay by yourself there will be some one checking in on you every couple of hours or days.I would stay with you.. I mean if your okay with that or you can have someone el-"Brittany rambled on.I took her hand and leaned into her not to much because she was driving. "Can you stay with me I don't want to be alone or with anyone else." I cut her off before she can speak all the air out her lungs.I felt safe with Brittany, or might I say I have the smallest, smidget of a crush on her. 

  Ok I lied I'm basically in love with her. I mean who wouldn't be. She has the softest skin. Pretty eyes, perfect smile, and her hair is soft, short, and blonde. It was long and red for Chloe and I don't even know when she cut it. She probably did something nice with it. Donated to cancer for kids or something like that. 

  I wonder if she would ever like me. Of course we have a whole life shipped toghether by fans, but why would she want some one like me, I'm broken, pregnant and tramutized.




I snapped out of it not knowing I have been staring at her this whole car ride home.

"We're here."

AN: There are some grammer mistakes I'm sorry. I tried going a year without wifi. After trying to find a way, I tricked my family into letting me use my phone. They said wifi not data. So i'm gonna try to post probably won'be able to alot. I'll post when i can.


YOU MAY BE BROKEN BUT YOUR MINETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang