Chapter 22 - Real And True

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  • Dedicated to To All My Lovely And Patient Readers

This is a sex heavy chapter and I am totally not ashamed. Thanks to those who checked out my new story Check Mate and to all of you still reading this story even when I feel like my writing isn't as good as most writers on this site. I'm really grateful to everyone.

Now I'll shut up and let you read  ;)

“Do you have anywhere to be?” Axel asked pressing soft kiss to the column of my neck. I bit my lips forgetting what I was supposed to say for a while.

“No, and even if I do fuck it.”

We had moved to his apartment after I had waited in his office so he could attend his board meeting. Stella seemed to give me the stink eye when we were leaving but I was too happy to pay any attention to her anymore.

I lay contently on the couch with Axel spooning me from behind. He had changed into a navy blue t shirt and gym shorts. His lips made constant contact with the back of my neck causing me to let out little noises of approval. We were tangled into each other just lying there for hours without any disturbance. Our intimacy was completely platonic but I didn’t care. Just being in his arms was enough for me.

Bliss was the only way that I could describe the moment.

“Can I say something?” I asked biting my lip.

“Of course.” He replied.

“I love you.” I said truthfully. Now that it had been gone over with I could stop saying it every chance I got. I didn’t want Axel to end up ripped away from me once again without knowing how much I loved him.

“I love you much more.” He kissed our intertwined fingers. “And nothing will change that.”

“How did you know Lauren lied?” I asked placing my head on his bicep. I had wanted to avoid the subject much longer and just enjoy being back with Axel for the moment but my curious nature was getting restless with each second.

He sighed, allowing me to realize that he also wanted to out this off much further also “I asked her to verify with a doctor but she refused to. She showed me the test and wanted me to rely on just that but I insisted and so she went.”

“But she wasn’t pregnant?” I finished for him.

He shook his head “The doctor explained that she had pseudocyesis - a false pregnancy. He explained that because she wanted a baby so badly her body had created the illusion that it was carrying a child but it wasn’t.”

Wow, that was unexpected.

“So she wanted a baby all this time?” I questioned.

He pursed his lips “Lauren wanted to have my baby for the sole purpose of getting me back. She got into my apartment that night for that alone.”

At this point my disgust had morphed into pity. Pity for a woman who went through such extremes, just to keep a man who had no feelings for her. It was pity-worthy from my point of view.

“I’m thinking of getting a restraining order against her.” He mused running his fingers through my back.

“She came to my apartment this afternoon.” I remembered “I still don’t know how she found out my address.” It worried me slightly knowing that she could easily find my location. Lauren’s actions had proved that she was somewhat ruthless and I wouldn’t put anything above her though.

“She’ll never hurt you I promise.” Axel assured rubbing my shoulder.

“I’m mad, but at the same time I feel bad for her.” I whispered to him. Maybe her reasons for wanting Axel were genuine. Maybe somehow she really did love him in her own way at the end of the day. But she went about it the wrong way hurting people to get that. Yes I may sound like a hypocrite for believing that if you love something let it go because there was no way I was letting Axel go. But just a few weeks ago I thought it would be the right thing for both of us.

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