Chapter 32 - Reconcile

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Song - Diet Soda Society - The Maine

"I can't believe you're moving away from me Ken doll." Pierce wailed dramatically as we walked through the mall. I rolled my eyes but was secretly endeared because I had missed hanging out with him.

That morning I had to beg the life out of Axel before he allowed me to go to the mall with Pierce alone. Since my sister was on the loose and there was no telling if she had any accomplices, he had been reluctant to let me go anywhere on my own.

Timothy as usual was supposed to tag but I insisted that he only drive me and that I would be fine with Pierce. The mall was crowded and it would take serious guts and effort to try and get me in such a packed place. Plus Pierce and his deadly farts would protect me if all else failed.

Besides there was no way I could shop for a Chrismas present for my boyfriend any other time, since Christmas was literally a week away.

"Oh come one. You'll be fine. Besides we're still friends just not roommates anymore." I said.

He glared at me "Says the traitor who's abandoning me because he's got premium dick to service him."

I rolled my eyes once again. Yep in would definitely miss him.

"Now I have to find another roommate against next semester." He complained "And I"ll be lucky if he isn't probably going to be some annoying straight alpha male of a barbarian with no history of hygiene or cleanliness."

I laughed "Now you're being dramatic. There are lots of decent roommates in the city I'm sure."

Pierce sighed as soon as we got to the front of Mark's & Spencer's "I'm happy for you Kendall. I really am though. I'm just going to miss you a lot though. You were an awesome roommate."

I smiled "You were an awesome roommate too Pierce. I'm grateful to you for putting up with me all this time when no one else probably would."

He snorted but I knew that my words had gotten to him "Please. I know I'm the best, no need to sugarcoat it mate."

"I love you man." I said seriously. He cocked his head to the side "I'm sorry? Did I just hear you offer to dump Axel and run away with me?"

"Don't push it." I warned.

Pierce grinned "Ok I'm only joking. Now come on, since Axel is stealing you away from me I might as well dent his credit card a little."

I laughed shaking my head at the typical, flaming Pierce I both knew and loved very dearly.

I honestly didn't need to buy anything for myself since I wasn't so high maintenance and sort of sucked at that department but I managed to get gifts for Spencer, Martin and even Shorty (granted she was very much out of my price range but I still managed).

Shopping for Axel was a little more tricky but I sort of hoped that my present was right enough for him.

I was standing at Costa waiting for Pierce since he had been bitching at me about how much he wanted some vanilla latte and some ham and cheese sandwich. I was currently nursing my own cappucino while waiting for him. Unsurprisingly, he took his sweet time.


I turned to see James looking at me with a surprised expression on his face.

I stiffened not knowing how to act since our last encounter was anything but pleasant. At least in my part.

James looked very hesitant before saying "Hi."

"Hi yourself." I managed to reply.

"Chrismas shopping?" He asked to lighten the mood.

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