Chapter 8 - Friends And Foes Of The Heart

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Sorry this so short. Been up to a lot lately

Currently I was sitting in my Literature class taking notes as the professor tried to get us through the emotional complexities of War and Peace. Or at least I was trying to but an unlikely distraction in the form of Clarissa Downer was intent on ruining one of my favourite classes for me. And let me tell you she was getting there.

She seated beside me wearing white shorts and a blue crop top that said Naughty. It seemed to get the attention of a lot of guys and I was desperately wishing that one of them would grab her away from me. In fact I was willing to pay. Why couldn’t she be interested in any of the other normal straight guys?

But no, she kept on slamming Post it notes on my MacBook with little messages like “Please go out with me babe.” Or “You look so serious it’s turning me onnnnnn.” And the worst “Your lips look sad, can I rub them with mine and make them better?”

I would rather lose my virginity to The Rock. Twice. Like this isn’t third grade, who the fuck still passes notes in college?

Until I had it tattooed on my forehead that I thought vaginas were ugly, maybe she would back off. But knowing Clarissa her half brain would only pick the words vaginas before flinging herself at me thereby doing the opposite of what I hoped to achieve. I was always at a loss when it came to dealing with this girl. Honestly I wouldn’t even be sitting next to her if I hadn’t come late to lecture and all the seats were filled and the one beside her was conveniently the only one left. I was actually fine with sitting on the floor but surprisingly some people actually find that barbaric. Humph!

Anyways I had only three minutes left before this lecture ended and I intended to run as fast as I could before Clarissa could even breathe.

“And I would like that emailed to me no later than the 26th.” Professor Harris repeated again but I shoved it at the back of my mind as I grabbed my stuff into my messenger bag before she could even look up.

“Miss. Downer may I have a word?” the professor asked and it took all that was within me not to kiss his bald head in delight. She scowled but had to talk to him. Probably about all her pending references.

I breathed in a sigh of relief until I spotted James walking down my side.

“James!” I called out.

He turned around confused but eased up when he saw it was me “Oh it’s you Kendall.”

“Hi James I haven’t seen you while.” I said casually as he stood in front of me but seemed a little weary.

He scoffed “Well last time I saw you your boyfriend threatened me.” He was obviously referring to what went down with Axel at the library.

“He’s not really my boyfriend.” I tried to explain “We’re just… seeing each other.” Gosh there really was no easy way to explain this. Axel and I were in an intimate relationship but it wasn’t as intimate as James thought. “It’s not something I can really explain.”

“And you told me that you didn’t have any plans yet he storms up like I was gonna kidnap you or something.” His tone had a tinge of accusation which made me gulp.

“I can explain that one. I kinda forgot he was coming over and everything was really confusing then”-

James shook his head “Mate you don’t have to lie to me. I don’t care if you're gay; I think I’ve made that clear a lot of times. Just don’t lie to me ok? Tell me whenever you have plans so I don’t feel like a fucking idiot.”

His tone made me feel guilty but I really didn’t know how to explain it to him.

“I'll see you later.” I offered.

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