Chapter 21 - Ad Infinitum

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I'd like to believe that all my life I've made a string of well informed choices. From childhood I can proudly say that I've never been one to make a spur of the moment decision or do something utterly rash. If I was ever hungry as a baby I would wait until morning when my mother would come with my formula. Granted everyone was worried about me since I didn't cry too much like all normal kids did but my dad decided that it was my severely careful and patient nature.

But about two months ago when I decided toss caution to the wind by getting into a relationship with a man whose boat I trashed, I can confidently say that reckless is my middle name.

It sounded much better than Kendall Peter Ross anyway.

So that's why it wasn't too fazed with myself appearing in Axel's office only twenty minutes later after my phone call, barely out of breath after hearing the news that Lauren was indeed not knocked up.

"Um hi?" The red haired receptionist I'd known as Tricia gave me a confused look as I strutted past confidently in my grey sweats and matching tee shirt. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the fact that I looked like I just ran out of bed (which I did) but that I really didn't care.

It had only taken me two seconds to process the information before blinding grabbing my wallet and storming out of the flat without warning.

"Hi Tricia." I greeted her happily hopping into the elevator without giving any room for a reply. There was a woman in a white suit would looked like she would have cared less if I was a terrorist in a monkey suit. In all honestly I was flustered with too many emotions to really care. My main thoughts were revolving around the conversations which had taken place within the last 24 hours and what was going to happen right after now.

After the ping sound the elevator made indicating that I was on my desired floor, I stepped out nervously because even after my determined haste I really didn't know what to expect.

I walked right into Axel's office ignoring his secretary Stella who was protesting at her desk. I simply opened the door and shut it with a single glance at anyone else.

My eyes were fixed only on the dark haired Adonis who was in front of me with a look of slight confusion also clouding his features.

"Hi." I said looking down at the floor. Because two of not seeing Axel made me forgot how else to react.

"You're here." He said clearly enough for me to hear. I nodded "I am."

Stella burst into the room "I tried to stop him sir-"

"Leave Stella." Axel said lowly without taking his eyes off me.

She glanced at the both of us in confusion "But-"

"Remember that I pay you to listen to me. If you can't do that then I have no further need for you." He said calmly still burning holes in my skull. She nodded leaving the room without single word. My chest was pumping with too much anticipation to realize that I had just gotten someone threatened.

Axel walked towards me, making my heart tremble with every stride that he took. His hand pushed my chin up forcing me to look at him "Why did you come?"

"I missed you." I replied weakly feeling so desperate for his touch and not understanding his cool demeanour towards me.

The hand on my chin carefully moved to the nape of my neck caressing it gently. But he still didn't say anything.

"Lauren came to my apartment." I stated. "Just right before I came here. She tried to buy me off on the condition that I would leave you two alone."

Still no reply.

"I told her to go to hell." I whispered for some reason. "Because I can't stay away from you." At the moment I felt completely naked. Vulnerable was the right word. Like my soul had been ripped from my body and laid bare in front of his very eyes. It was a feeling I both loved and hated at the same time.

"You." Axel said while leaning down to my neck "Are mine Kendall. Every single bit of you belongs to me." I'll be the gum on your shoes if it means I'll be a part of you.

"You and I. We burn ad infinitum."

There it was.

I burned. Fuck being like this in his arms made burn. He was the gasoline to my flame. I whimpered when he pushed me to the wall roughly bruising my neck with hard kisses which was fine. It's not like I wanted him to go slow anyway.

"Shit, you have no idea how much I fucking missed you." Axel growled into my neck making me whimper out at the vibration. My legs were forced around his waist as he carried me to his large smooth mahogany desk and plopped me there without warning. Before I could recover my breath his mouth enveloped mine in a searing kiss.

The kiss reminded me of every emotion I had felt in the two weeks away from him. Fear, sadness, lust and wanting. But most importantly it reminded me exactly what he made me feel whenever he was around me. Care, happiness, security and completely real love.

That alone caused the first tear drops to fall from my eyes.

He pulled away stroking my cheeks with his thumb "Hey, what's wrong?"

I shook my head "I was stupid. I always run away at the first sign of any trouble because I'm scared. That's the only way I cope, by running. But I've realized now that even if I'm the world's biggest coward and you deserve to hate me for it; I'll never run away whenever it comes to you because you're worth it. Even if I have to fight or get hurt in the process I will because I can't stay away from you Axel. What we have makes me feel alive."

He kissed away my tears "You aren't a coward and I could never hate you. You came Kendall. Just promise me that no matter what happens we'll never be separated again. Lauren's test was forged by the way."

Even with my tears I couldn't help but snort at that.

"I'm going to ask about that in more detail but later." At the moment I just wanted to remain in his arms for as long as I could.

"We belong together Kendall."

I just nodded stayed buried in his chest for as long as I could enjoying the comfort he provided.

"I'm sorry I killed your boner." I said quietly making him rumble in laughter.

Axel kissed my forehead "Don't worry. I wasn't going to fuck you here love. We've been apart from far too long; I'll save it for when you're lying comfortably on my bed and you can scream as loud without worrying about being heard."

Is it bad that I missed his dirty mouth too?

"But I want to try kinky office sex too." I whined. He kissed my mouth once again "Probably when I fire Stella."

"Ad infinitum huh?" I mused running my fingers on his chest.

Axel pressed his hand on mine "To infinity. It's Latin."

I nodded seriously "Sounds sexy coming from you." He kissed me one more time pushing his all making it as passionate as ever. I wrapped my arms around his neck pushing him closer to me. I pulled away breathing hard before latching my lips on his neck "I've been going crazy without you."

He groaned as I tried to work up a mark. "Sorry babe still got meetings today and I don't want the upper heads to get suspect I've been playing hooky with you."

I giggled at the word hooky because really?

He rubbed the purplish mark on his neck "I've created a sex crazed incubi haven't I?"

I snorted "Like anyone would resist banging that hot body of yours stud."

"Hmm, way to make me feel less like hooker." He rolled his eyes but anyone could see the arrongance rolling off his shoulders.

This man. Everything he did only reminded me how much I loved him.

And fuck I loved him.

"I love you so much." I blurted out. There was no embarassment or fear in my words. Just truth.

Axel kissed my lips one more time "No you can't."

That was a stab to my gut.

He caressed my cheek "Because I love you more Kendall Ross."

Thanks for being super patient with me guys. Check out my other story Check Mate because the synopsis is up and I'll start posting chapters soon enough. I'm so sleepy so enjoy your update


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