Chapter 33 - United

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Song - Home - Ella Eyre

"And that was the first time I'd seen this poor bloke embarrassed." Spencer said with a grin causing everyone on the table to laugh. We were at dinner with the older Mr. Gold, Spencer's parents, Martin and Spencer. It was three days before Chrismas Eve and we were all enjoying a nice dinner at Axel's family's estate down in the country. It was to enable us make it in time for Chrismas at my house. I insisted that we didn't have to miss Chrismas with his father but Axel claimed that my situation made it necessary. I wasn't still ok with it but he insisted.

The only person who seemed to be missing was Shorty, who had gone back to The Carribeans where her own family had decided to celebrate this year. Even though I wouldn't miss her intensity, I still missed her presence.

Axel obviously did because everyone seemed to make him the subject of their funny stories.

He groaned placing his hand on his forehead "Too much information mate."

I placed my hand on his with a smile "Don't worry. I'm sure you were a cute kid even though you seemed to love climbing on cupboards."

He rolled his eyes. Theodore smiled "So Spencer, congrats on your engagement."

"Thank you sir." He replied politely with a smile. Martin smiled shyly and held his fiance's hand on the table to show his ring.

Mrs. Hale, Spencer's mother, gushed "Oh I think it's absolutely wonderful! When exactly is the date for the wedding? Have you started planning yet?"

"We're not exactly sure yet." Martin replied to her.

"Oh nonsense!" She said waving her manicured fingers. "We need to start planning as soon as possible. I've got a event planner on speed-dial who planned the wedding of Lady Sinclair's daughter. You know her right?"

"Speed dial mum?" Spencer asked in disbelief. I wanted to laugh at his expression.

"Well I've been waiting for you and Martin's engagement for a year now. I'm honestly a bit tiffed that this didn't happen sooner." She said bluntly. Now Martin seemed to be laughing along with me. Mrs. Hale was a wonderful woman and it made me feel warm caresses on the inside about how she accepted her son.

Mr. Hale was more quiet but I could notice the amusement and high regard on his eyes and expression.

"You all are ganging up on me now." Spencer mumbled causing Martin to kiss his cheek.

"Karma." Axel said with a little smug smile.

"Oh wait till you propose to Kendall. I'm not leaving you alone then." Spencer threatened. My face went all red at the statement and Axel seemed to choke on his food. The air shifted to awkward so fast.

"Dessert anyone?" Theodore said to relieve us both because he was such a gentleman.

"Ah yes. I've been craving some cremé bulee all night." Mrs. Hale said in delight.

After dinner, everyone gathered in the den where Theodore had opened one of his most expensive scotches but without looking at my expression, Axel had suggested that he also open a bottle of wine which made me grateful.

I cradled my glass of wine while seating on one of the plush couches. Axel sat down next to me "Hey."

"Hey." I replied with a smile.

He took a sip of his scotch "How are you?"

I thought carefully "I'm happy actually. Really happy." And that was the truth. It had been a long time since I was around such a warm familial environment. If it was true that you could chose your own family, I would chose these people. And I hoped that maybe they would accept me also.

It almost made the fact that I was flying back home the next day and talking to my mom about Mara seem a bit bearable.

"I want this." Axel said looking intently at me. I knew what he meant; he wanted us to always have this connection. Holidays with his dad, intimate moments like this. It was something I'd also dreamed of. And also something I didn't mind happening over and over again.

"Me too." I said kissing his cheek and interlocking our hands together. I'd always wish for us to keep having perfect moments like this.

Martin and Spencer were also having their own moment in the other corner of the room. Theodore had excused himself and gone in pretty early which made me feel bad for him being surrounded by all these couples. I wondered how much he missed his wife and how he managed to still move on after her death for himself and his son. While Axel and I were far from the realms of marriage, I didn't want to think about how it would be to lose him like that.

"You have a pretty sweet room." I said surveying his childhood room where we had retired for the night. I laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling while Axel changed his clothes.

It was pretty big with only simple furniture and a few band posters of The Beatles and Pink Floyd.

He scoffed wearing his pajama shirt "You're lucky Dad had it cleaned out when I moved to university at my request. This place was the dojo of my 13 year old self."  He smiled wickedly. "When my only martial art was masturbation that is."

I laughed "So he took down your Playboy and Penthouse posters?"

He flopped down on the bed right beside me "And the Jake Gyllenhaal one I used to have right on that wall." He pointed to the wall on the side. We looked intently at each other before we both burst into heavy laughter.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief still laughing. He grinned and placed his hands behind his head "What? He was pretty hot then. Plus I was about 16. Everyone was pretty hot to me anyway."

I rolled my eyes and placed my head on his chest and one of his hands automatically moved to my head to stroke my hair. 

"You're over thinking something." He stated.

I snuggled closer to him and sighed tired my "You know me so well."

"Kendall it'll be fine." Axel assured.

"You know what I'm most afraid of?" I whispered. I sat up and he followed suite "That she won't believe. That maybe she'll get so fed up of all the trouble I've brought her way and decide that maybe I'm not worth believing this time. That's what I'm scared of."

My boyfriend stared at me. Like very intensely as though he was deliberately on how to say what he wanted to properly. "I can't assume or assure you that she'll believe or that she'll be happy with what you have to tell her. But I can assure you that even if she doesn't believe you, none of it was ever your fault. You tried your best and even paid the price for everything you never actually caused. At the end of the day you'll have nothing to apologize for. Because none of it was ever your fault. Not Mara, not your Dad, not your sexuality. Nothing."

"And you'll be there." I said with a weary smile.

He kissed my lips "Of course I'll be there. I've bought my ticket and everything and despite how rich you think I am it's really not economically advisable to just cancel-"

I laughed and kissed him as hard as I could. "I love you."

"And I love you." He replied. "And you'd know something that would make me love you more?"

"What's that?" I asked.

Axel smiled coyly "If you got naked right now."

I hit him with my pillow.

Another update! We're getting close to the ending now! Comment and vote my loves!

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