Chapter 15 - Old Flames & New Habits

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“I expect to get results by the end of today. I personally told you the importance of getting that merger done Gabriel.” Axel’s irritated voice woke me up from my deep slumber. I was sleeping in the master bedroom inhaling his familiar scent on the pillows. It was a mystery why the real thing wasn’t here with me. I moved around the bed groaning at how cold Axel’s side felt meaning that he hadn’t been in bed for some time now.

He was probably in the living room taking one of his important business calls.

The blinking alarm beside me showed 6:43 meaning I would have to get out of bed in the next 20 minutes since I had a lecture at 9. Going to lectures weren’t fun or anything but I was glad to go since it meant that stability was back in my life.

Doing nothing but recovering at home can make a guy slowly go nuts especially since Axel acts like I'm going to break skull every time I try to do stuff for myself. I'll admit that it’s nice being pampered once in a while but I'm used to taking care of myself for so long.

“Yes Gabriel and make sure it’s signed before any of the ships leave the port.”

I shut my eyes for a few more minutes before dragging my tired body from the warm king-sized bed. I used to think it’s so cliché for rich people to like huge beds but after sleeping on the 1000 count threadbare Egyptian cotton, I can definitely see the appeal.

I stripped away my pyjamas and turned on the shower, waiting a few minutes before I got in. Unlike most people I prefer to take cold showers in the morning to wake me up properly. Not to mention that it makes me feel a lot better than warm showers sometimes. After fifteen minutes I finished, wearing my boxers and the loose fitting T-shirt that I wore to sleep.

Axel was still on the phone when I went to the living room. He was wearing nothing but a pair of low riding dark blue basketball shorts and black Nikes. His chest was bare and glistening with sweat meaning that he had just come from the gym. If my brain wasn’t half asleep the sight alone would have been enough for my boxers to drop instantly.

It was obvious that the caller was not making him very happy by his expression but on noticing my presence it softened up “Just do it by the end of today Gabriel.” He dropped the line.

“Hey good morning.” Axel greeted pecking me lightly on the lips.

“Morning, you weren’t in bed.” I mumbled against his lips. He kissed me some more “Sorry love had to do some work and decided to hit the gym.”

“I want to hold you, but you're all sweaty now.” I whined placing my arms safely around his shoulders. His laughter was rich and hearty “Just hug me it’s no big deal.”

“Not when I just showered.” I said trying to make him see my dilemma.

He peppered kisses on my neck “No problem, you can always shower with me again.” The innuendo was obvious “And again.”

“As much as I want to do that, I really have to get ready to go to class. Finals are almost here.” I stated not wanting to give in just yet.

Axel sighed “Fine. Guess I couldn’t keep you locked up as my special prisoner forever.”

I giggled “Don’t worry. Tonight I'll let you imprison me anyhow you want.”  He groaned at the thought kissing me even harder than before.

We made out for some time before I managed to drag myself away to the kitchen to make us both breakfast while he showered alone. By the time I was done with it Axel had appeared barefoot and shirtless with his hair still in wet spikes. He looked like he was ready for a lazy day at home.

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