Chapter 11 - If The Shoe Fits......

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"You've got holes in your jeans, and a fuel in your heart. You don't know what it means to me, to watch you fall apart."

“Kendall.” I felt my body being shaken gently.

I slowly peeled my eyes open to see Axel gazing at me intently. I blinked sleepily “Axel?”

I forgot that I had asked him to stay with me and somehow fell asleep along the line. My arms were wrapped around his neck while one of his was buried in my hair tugging at it gently. I was lying with my head on his chest and the rest of my body tucked into his due to the compactness of the couch.

“You were crying in your sleep.” He stated. I sniffed suddenly realizing that my face was wet and that his chest was glistening. He had taken off his suit and clothes folding them neatly on the coffee table because it didn’t make sense to sleep in a thousand pound suit.

“Sorry about that.” I apologised feeling embarrassed about getting snot all over his chest.

“What’s wrong Kendall?” He asked sounding both worried and exhausted. I sighed burying my face in the crook of his neck “I'll tell you in the morning please.” 

He made a sound of discontentment but decided not to say anything else.

“What time is it?” I asked after a while.

“A little past midnight.”

 “Thank you for staying with me.” I murmured into his neck. He ran his hand on my back in a comforting manner “I really wish you would tell me what the problem is. I’d do anything to help.”

Oh Axel please don’t taunt my heart like this. I'm already beginning to feel more for you than I should. All your shows of care and affection are only making this worse. There was no denying that I felt a lot for Axel more than I did in the beginning and somehow that scared me. As much as I wanted to assure myself that this was just harmless infatuation for the attractive man I was sleeping with, this was much deeper than that.

But it wasn’t clear to me yet.

The next time I woke up I was lying alone on the couch swaddling with my baby blue blanket. It was at least 7 by now and the clothes on the coffee table were gone sending me into a mild frenzy until I heard shuffling in the kitchen.

The sweet scent of coffee snuck into my nostrils and I smiled to myself. Pierce doesn’t drink coffee.

“I see you’re awake.” His dreamy voice slowly swayed me into full consciousness.

“Sure am now.” I sat up on the couch accepting the mug of steaming coffee from Axel who was dressed up impeccably in his suit. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“You don’t have a coffee maker so I had to do it regular.” I wanted to laugh at the way he said it. Like it was some kind of crime against for not having a fancy espresso maker or something. I sipped “Guess you have to go now.”

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