Horrendous Potion

Start from the beginning

"We'll see." I whisper. Way to be confident Myla.

"Before we start, we're both taking a sip of this, to start our game with a kick."

Oh boy.

There's no use arguing on it. Both of us grab a straw and drink from it at the same time. How romantic is that. Seconds later we are coughing like some old tuberculosis patient who are nearing death.



We both shout at the same time and look at each other. Soon enough we are laughing our ass off, not even trying to act a little civil in a public place, which earns us a stink eye from a nearby table where a lady in her late forties sits alone. Definitely a Karen.

"You sure on doing this?" I question him after sobering up a little. "There's no going back now, we've sealed it with that drink." I chuckle at that.

"You see that couple there?" I turn around and see a couple, who are around our age. Give or take two to three years older. They sure are having a good time there. I smile at that and look at Sam nodding at his question.

"Cause a fight between them. A big one, create a scene." My mouth hangs open.

"Dude that's straight up evil, they're a lovely couple, let them enjoy." I argue with him

"I'm not asking you to break them up, just a fight. Or else just take gulp of this." He says tilting that drink thing towards me.

I gulp and the look on his face tells me that he knows I'm going to do the dare. The disgusting taste is still lingering in my mouth. With one last look at the drink I make my way towards the happy couple.

"Excuse me" I say tapping the guy on his shoulder. The moment he turns I gasp and cover my mouth. "So, its really you." I squeal.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" he asks me with unease.

"No, no of-course you don't. I mean how can you know me I'm not famous like you, although I'm a huge fan of yours." I say with a fake smile acting excited. I see Sam looking at me with his eyebrows scrunched. Sure he can hear us, they're the table right next to ours.

"I.. I don't understand" he stammers and his girlfriend eyes us suspiciously while sipping her coffee.

"Aren't you the young porn star, who has like more than a million views on your video. Man, you do an amazing job, my aunt who cannot have orgasms at all, has orgasms coz of your videos." the moment those words leave my mouth he's drenched in coffee, which his dear girlfriend spat out on him, accompanied by a howling laughter which of-course belongs to Sam.

I glare at him, that he'll blow away my act and he sobers up immediately. He covers his mouth with his fist, looking down and I can see his shoulders shaking.

"What the hell are you talking about ?" he screams and gets up knocking his chair in the process. "Is this the truth? What is she saying Liam?" his girlfriend screeches at him. God, I feel bad for doing this.

She takes a threatening step towards me while Liam constantly chants that I'm lying.

Oh god. What do I do now?

I quickly pull out my phone, "Hey, look I can even show you one of his videos. I'll show you the one my aunt sent me claiming it to be her favourite video."

Before I know it she dumps all the coffee on his head and rushes out of the small diner. Soon enough, Liam is running after her.

"I'm sorry it was just a prank" I call out after him an he flicks me off without even sparing me glance.

I walk back to my table and sit with a thud, Sam is wheezing so bad that only half of his butt is on the chair while he's leaning down.

Just when I think he's sobered up another roar of laughter escapes from him and this time I can't help but join him. One of his hand lies on his chest and another one points towards me and then slaps the table with it. I can't understand a word he's trying to say, but its just hilarious.

I'm so getting him back for this. "That was freaking awesome Mayo, so good." he says with little traces of laughter.

"Uh huh, its your turn now. So the guy behind the counter who took our orders today, he's gay." Sam suddenly gets serious. Ha take that.

"His name is Tony and I know he's gay coz the other day when Rachel and I came here, we had a chat with him, he's a friendly person and that's when he told us he's gay. You my dear have to go now, flirt with him and ask him for his number." I say with a smirk.

Disbelief crosses his features, he opens his mouth but I don't let him utter a word, "Or else just take a gulp of this." I throw his words back at him.

He scrambles out of his seat quickly and makes his way to Tony. I move to a table near them so I can hear them better.

"Hey....Tony" Sam says eyeing Tony's name tag. Tony being the sweet guy he is, greets Sam with a smile.

"So, I was wondering what time your shift ends?" Sam asks him stammering. Tony eyes him up and down, and comes straight to the point. "Umm, in ten minutes, but why?"

"I was thinking if we could spend some quality time together, y'know just you and me. Or you could give me your digits" Sam drags his hand up and down Tony's arm and gives his biceps a slight squeeze.

I snicker quietly at that, but I'm sure its loud enough to be heard in the video I'm recording. Come on who knew the badass was such an amazing actor, I need proof and this definitely memory material. If I didn't know Sam, I'd definitely think of him to be gay too.

I'm surprised seeing Tony hesitant about it. Damn is Tony rejecting Sam, hilarious. Such an ego booster for Mr. Narcissist.

"I'll talk to you later, my manager's calling me." with that Tony disappears back in the kitchen I stop recording and put my phone away immediately. Sam and I make our way back to our table.

I just cant stop laughing while Sam sits in front of me with a frown on his face and glaring at me. At the same time Tony comes to our table and slides a tissue to Sam.

Sam smiles at him. Aww he's being so sweet to him.

After Tony walks away Sam opens the tissue before throwing a smirk in my direction. His jaw touches the floor after reading it. I snatch the tissue to know what's in it.

I'm sorry dude, but you're not my type. :(

I laugh harder at the rejection, while Sam just opens and closes his mouth several times. Poor guy may be this his first rejection. "Or you could give me your digits" I imitate him " Who the hell even says that?"

"I don't know okay, I thought that's how I was supposed to talk and it would do the charm. I even rubbed his arm and squeezed his bicep, how did that not work?"

By now I'm gasping for air, I think I'm gonna die right here laughing. Who cares I'm dying with happiness.

"You're such a stereotypical ass." I say pointing at him. "Hey, I didn't know okay, I just did what they do in movies. I've never had the chance to have a gay friend. I wish I had, so I wouldn't have to deal with this today." he cries out.

"Well, unlike you, I do have a gay friend." I say with a mischievous smile.


"You." I answer and he flicks me off and I end up laughing more clutching my stomach. I don't miss the small smile dancing on his lips, but that's soon replaced with an evil one.

"Your next dare is to get on top of that table right there in the middle, and strip to the music until I tell you to stop."

Mother Mary!



So what do you think about this one?

Have a peaceful night everyone, I hope I made you smile : )

Oh oh, before I forget, do vote and comment.

Goodnight XX

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