What have I got to loose?

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"We're not doing this if you're not comfortable Myles, we'll find some other way" Rachel said.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine, I am more than ready to help you Adam." Rachel smiled.

Adam walked up to me, and placed his hands on my shoulder, "It really means a lot to me Myles, thank you" he said with a genuine smile.

"But you're going to treat me in McDonalds for this" I said punching his shoulder lightly, he threw his head back laughing and agreed to it.

Adam had lied to his mom that he has a girlfriend and also, that he's living with her. All of this just to get rid of the girl his mom was forcing him to marry into. Apparently she's a business woman and would do anything to extend her business, so this was a beneficial matrimony to her.

Now, she's coming here and living with Adam for two weeks, to check for herself that he's not lying. She's one hell of a strict and stubborn woman, not my words but Adam's.

So, to cut it short Adam asked Rachel to be his pretend girlfriend while his mom is around.

That's why the whole "roommate exchange" thing is happening, as Sam didn't have other place to stay. I think I can handle it.

I look up to see Adam and Rachel smiling and laughing together, yes I would do it a thousand times as long as they are happy.

What have I got to loose?

"Hey Homie!" Oh yeah, totally forgot about him, kidding! I don't know how I'm going to stay with him for two weeks. But, what have I got to loose, I kept saying this to motivate myself.

I turned around only to see him smiling at me. I just shook my head and tried to hide the fact that I was smiling.

"I'll be back in some time Myles, I need to make some arrangements and yeah Rachel's coming along." Adam called out. "Okay, enjoy." I winked at Rachel, she just threw me the finger and walked out. I just laughed aloud.

"Soooooo.." Oh it's just me and him now, and it'll be this way for the next two weeks.

"I'll just change and come, oh yeah, I'll return your jacket after washing it."

"No, keep it....um, I mean since I'll be here, so just keep it here."

"Okay" I shrugged and quickly went to my room, I need some space to digest all of this.

Shower, yes, that's what I need, it'll clear my head.

After a long, hot and thoughtful shower, I felt better. I even gave myself a ted talk that I could do it, it's just a matter of two weeks, I could do it, it'll pass in the blink of an eye. Besides, what have I got to loose?

I'm hungry! A movie and Doritos with mayonnaise sounds super awesome. With this excitement I wore my pajama shorts, a sweatshirt, and skipped on my steps to the kitchen.

I see Sam sprawled on the couch and watching FRIENDS. He's already made himself home. Sweet.

I do a double take when I see that he's eating my Doritos, it was the only packet left, he is so dead.

"WHAT THE HELL" I yell at the top of my voice.

Sam jumps abruptly from the couch, some of my Doritos which he's devouring fall out of his mouth, if he hadn't just finished the last packet without me, I would have laughed my ass off, but not now, all I see is red.

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