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Jiwoo's POV

It almost feels like the term began yesterday and funnily enough, the seventh-semester exams are approaching.

And just like last year, I yet again find myself distracted. But for a different reason. 

He has been falling sick more frequently since the last couple of months. I go back to Hanam far more often than usual to see him. Hyun-Ah cannot always stay by his bedside. She needs to work.

And every time I visit them, it is always the same. He refusing to see my face and I nursing him while listening to him muttering curses at me internally.

It is just a waste of time. Trying to get back with my brother is simply a waste of time.

But I have to.

As a result, I have been missing classes a lot and spending time in the library for notes again.

Once or twice, I did feel V sir's presence. But I was always too busy with books to acknowledge him.

Still, after all this time, I think exams will go well. They have to because my performance is the only thing all this is worth enduring for.

It is a Physics class. Professor is yet to come. I am sitting at my desk. The usually irritating Sungho is silent behind me. We haven't been talking much these days because of everything going on with me. But then again, there is no need to. He already understands me a lot better.

Prof V comes in. Today, he doesn't smile after spotting me like he did a few times earlier. I anticipate I am going to get scolded after this class.

90 minutes pass by in the usual routine. Miss Elegant Ponytail has been exceptionally silent after that library incident but a lot many girls are ready to take up her position. Honey voices were all over. But nothing bothered me more than the thing that V sir is pissed off at me.

Bell rings signaling the girls to shut up their nonsense. I pack up and start to head out when a deep voice calls me "Park Jiwoo, I would like to have a word with you."

Using my full name to address me. As I anticipated, I have pissed this man off.

The class files out, Sungho giving me an understanding look.

I wait for the professor to speak.

"You have been missing a lot of classes these days. Any specific reason?"

"I-I was s-sick." I stutter.

"Oh really?" I look up the source of this mocking tone "To my knowledge, a really sick body finds it difficult even to make it out of the bed, let alone carry a full backpack to the bus stand and travel with it."

I shoot a horrified expression at him. Did he follow me? Or did he just happen to see me leave?

Reading my mind once more, Prof V says "I saw you twice with that backpack of yours. You seemed ready for traveling."

I am caught. This is the reason you should not lie, folks. The cover-up becomes hellishly difficult.

"I went home, sir."

"Every time?"


"Everything alright there?" I notice the change of tone from cold mock to concern.

"Yes...It's just my brother...isn't doing well these days."

"I am sorry for being so rude. I hope he gets well soon. If you need any help with your studies, let me know. Exams are nearing."

It Can't Be LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora