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Yoongi's POV

I overdid it a bit. But I am worried about him. He has not been himself for quite some time now. 

He is not lost. He is just sometimes out of focus. He makes us worried. Yes.

As I drive towards the gate I see her walking out of the campus.

Although Tae has told me not to do anything, I cannot sit quietly now.

I drive slowly behind her. She enters a cafe not too far from the campus area. I wait for a few minutes in my car and then, grabbing my phone, I walk to the door.

The bell chimes, announcing the arrival of the new customer. Some heads turn, some do not. Hers is among the nots.

I walk to her table. She is deeply engrossed in a book. 

Before I can speak, she says without looking up "How can I help you?"

"By letting me have a coffee with you..."

She looks up to see a familiar face.

Jiwoo's POV

It's Yoongi, right?

I stand up hastily, bowing "I am sorry, anyonghaseyo..."

"Please don't be so formal. Would you mind if I sit and have a chit-chat with you?"

"Nae, it will be fine."

We sit down and he orders something. I know that smell. What is this obsession with macchiato?

"I see, you don't like this particular coffee..." He says noticing my expressions.

"It's just that this smell gets to my head."

We sit there, sipping coffee and scrutinizing each other openly. If he dares, I too will.

"Wondering what brings me here?" He speaks up.


"I was wondering if you could let me know something about yourselves."

"Which is?"

"Anything, origins, past, friends, feelings..." His voice trails at the last words.

My mind's security mechanism turns itself on.

"Why would I do that?" I ask still staring dead in his eye.

"Because I want to know."

"I would ask you to mind your own business."

Okay...that was rude...

He looks at me with a serious expression. Is it anger or simply shock, I cannot tell.

"If I was not appreciating your daring, I would have slapped you for this."

"I'm sorry...I did not mean to sound disrespectful." I say hanging my head low and breaking off from our staring contest.

"Let us just ignore your tone. To answer you, I am minding my own business. Which in this case happens to be about my family. My Bangtan."

I dare to look at him again only to find two orbs intensely looking back at me.

"How may I help you with that?" I say beginning to regain my courage and fixing my gaze into his.

"See, Bangatan, and particularly Taehyung, is going through some tensions since the past few months."

V sir has a problem to deal with?

"And you think I am responsible?" I say, coolly.

"No. I think you are related." He replies in an equally cold tone.

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