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Jiwoo's POV

The atmosphere in the lab has never been so tense ever since the start of the year, as it is now. We are seated in pin-drop silence with our professor standing by the teacher's desk. He is sorting some pages.

To be precise, those pages contain our fate. They are going to tell us what exactly we will have to do for the rest of the year. Or if we need to do anything in particular at all.

The fifth-semester results.

I already said I don't expect much. I guess I'm doomed this time. I just want to pass.

One by one Prof V calls out our names, students walk up to the desk and he hands them that wicked piece of paper. 

"Park Jiwoo." He calls.

He was smiling at the girl before me, maybe he'll smile at me as well...

Oh no...Too much to expect from a result such as mine. His face turns stern.

I walk up to the desk, he hands me my result looking dead in the eyes.

Alright, professor, I am frecking out now.

No nod, no smile, I turn to my seat, I am feeling daggers being bored into my back by him.

When he is done with the last student he turns to the class to speak "I must say, I am a bit disappointed by your semester results." Sure enough, he had smiled at a very few students. I was not among them. "Am I this bad at teaching?" He looks around the class.

"No sir." We say, our heads hung low.

"Look at me." He says. We look up to find him smiling. He rarely smiles in the classroom. Usually, it's the steel-hard gaze and an ice-cold tone. He becomes that no-nonsense type in the class. So when he is disappointed, why the heck is he smiling?

"I'm not that disappointed, okay. You can look at me. I'm not going to kill you by firing lasers from my eyes." He continues "Some of you might not be happy with the results, but don't get stuck there. Also, don't forget. We still have half a year left until the next exams. We will make it through."

I look at the paper in my hands. An A instead of A+. I should drown myself in a fistful of water. I look up again.

"Is that alright?"He says.

"Yes, sir." We say.

"Okay, then. Let's begin with today's practical."

We listen with utmost attention as Prof V instructs and demonstrates today's work. Practical's a difficult one today. It took me seven attempts before I successfully made the last of the connections.

It is individual work. V sir had asked to call him when we were done.

"Sir..." I call him.

He looks up from his desk. Okay, so I still am the first one to perform this. He is coming.

Wordlessly, he inspects the board and nods. "Good." Same coldness.

Now, this is killing me. I could do with a bit more appreciation.

 "I am not going to say what you are thinking." He says.

And how the hell, does this man always know what I am thinking? Am I that obvious?

"Your mid sem results have particularly upset me. I had expected you to be among the top three, maybe even, first. But you did not even make it to the top 10. You stand 12th." He moves a bit closer, voice a bit concerned "What went wrong Jiwoo?"

I look down at my table. I disappointed my teacher. I disappointed this man. Never have I ever wished so dearly than now, that the earth would crack apart and swallow me.

"Look at me." He says. I look up. "Is there any problem? Some topic that you did not understand? Or something else?"

I shake my head averting his eyes once again. 


"I don't know, sir. I had studied everything. I was confident. But I don't know what happened." My legs might give up anytime now if this conversation continues. They are trembling like anything.

"If I can help in any way, just let me know. It's okay. But please make sure, you rock next time." He is about to pat my upper arm but I inch away. I don't like being touched.

He sees that and drops his hand down casually. Is it just me or is this it's alright look really on his face?

Doesn't matter. All I know is that my teacher should have smiled at me while handing out that report card. He should have been proud. 

And that did not happen.

I'll make sure, the next time this ceremony occurs, you will give me that boxy smile of yours. I promise that, Professor V.

Taehyung's POV

I think I said a lot more than intended in tone a lot harsher than intended. But I won't deny, I am disappointed. Rather I am surprised. I really thought she will top the exams. She is a bright student.

Is this anger just because she is an excellent student and did not make it?

Or is there something more to that?


Now is not the time.

 And this should not be it.

The end of the period approaches. Only a handful of students have managed to get the connections right. "Alright, everyone. This was a particularly tough practical. So those who could not reach the end, don't feel bad. We'll continue this next time."

"Also, we will be having a field trip coming Saturday. It will be for star gazing and constellation-related study." I see the faces before me getting lit up at the perspective of what I think they are supposing as a night out. Sorry folks, I'll have to bring your dreams crashing down.

"Remember, this is not a picnic. It is for educational purposes. If any of one you are considering this as a chance to have fun, please do not sign up. There will be an external instructor. So nuisance will not be tolerated and its creator will not be entertained."

Coldness has its effect.

"Sir, what about the expenses. How much do we have to pay?" A boy asks.

"There won't be any expenses as we will be going to an open field and coming back the same night. And, otherwise, this is college-sponsored. So yay...no expenses required from your side." 

Free stuff has a better effect, I guess.

"It's just that the college will expect decent behavior from its students in return for this free trip. Those willing to join shall submit their names either to me or to professor Ara by Thursday. Any names after that shall not be accepted. Alright?"

"Yes sir."

The bell rings.

"Good day to you all. Adjourn."


A/n: Hey guys! Another update, another apology. I am not really good at writing so I am not able to think better, bigger conversations. Sorry guys. Hope you still like it. Please vote if you do. Thanks for reading.

Love you all! 

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