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Jiwoo's POV

Fifth semester exams are finally over. But, for the first time in my life, I don't feel happy. I don't feel contended. I don't feel as if I have done well.

Because I really did not do well.

Silly thoughts kept crossing my mind which were so stupid that I could not even distinguish. Yet they were there.

Making my head a mish-mash of complete, absolute nonsense.

Last preparatory month was a haze. I remember I was ready. I remember I had studied everything. But I still feel it didn't go well.

I blame Professor V.

It's meaningless but I still blame him. He was being so nice to me. Helping out, assisting me, asking questions, giving hints through tests. 

He was just being nice.

I hate this man.

Strange but not so unknown feelings are finding their way into my mind these days. I don't want to recognise them. I really don't want to. And I am getting irritated as hell due to this.

Spare me.


I don't want to give into this.

And go through that pain again.


"Angela!! We are going to the mall. Not to your wedding. Will you please hurry up?" I shout as my patience is getting exhausted.

We are almost ready. Only if Angela realises that she is already looking enough gaudy, we might be able to get decent seats.

"Alright, fine! Let's go." She locks the dorm.

We are going to a movie. Evening shows are the best. Also, the results are due to come next week. So, we decided to enjoy before the storm strikes.

"Whose going to stand there?" Sanghee asks, pointing towards the long line in front of the ticket window.

Kai Bai Bo...

I lose.

"Fine." I walk up to the end of the line followed by another person. I look back at my friends. To my greatest horror, they are talking to a man leading a group.

Our beloved professor.

Why is my bad luck so insanely ruined?

Kim Taehyung is walking towards me and I can neither hide nor exit the line considering I am almost near the window now. Aah!!

"Hey, you are cutting the line." The person behind me says as V sir approaches me.

"I am not cutting the line," He replies so politely that I am starting to suspect if he wants a free ticket. Well, I am wrong.

"I am with her," He says pointing towards me "She forgot her purse. I came to give it." But what he is handing out isn't my purse. Oh...It's his.

"Remember. Seven tickets. Together." He flashes his boxy smile at me.

Is he genuinely happy about something or is he just savouring my helplessness?

I reach the window. "Four tickets together, please," I say paying from my pocket. "And seven tickets together but as far away from the previous ones as possible, please." This time professor's pocket.

"I am sorry mam, but it's going to be housefull soon. If you insist on seven seats together, I am afraid it will be directly behind the previous ones."

Of course, the ultimate cosmic conspiracy has to bring the last person I would want to see, not only to the same movie time as us but also seated right behind us. My friends will surely have their ears concentrated behind them rather than on the screen.

I am going to be the only one actually not wasting this money.

"Alright. Book it please." I finally say.

I storm back, literally, storm back towards the group. Before I could take my anger out at V sir, a man steps in front of him and smiles adorably at me.

I have never seen a smile as beautiful as that. Well, there is an exception...

But yeah, his smile is beautiful turning his eyes into crescents.

"I'll take that," He says pointing to the tickets "I am Park Jimin and thanks a lot. You saved us seats." He says looking behind me. I turn to see the window indicating 'Housefull'.

I can't help but smile at him. That doesn't mean that my anger towards V sir or my three dorks has faded.

"May I have that?" Another gorgeous man with a plump lip smile steps towards me pointing to the wallet in my hand.

"Um...I'll give it to the one who gave it to me." I say, trying to be polite.

"Oh...Ok. But it is mine."

I still walk to our beloved professor. He sticks his right hand out, the left one in the pocket. I slam the wallet in his palm satisfied to see that I have reduced the curve of his smile. 

"This is Jiwoo," Eunmi says to the group. "And Jiwoo these are..."

"Friends of your professor. Allow us to introduce ourselves." The plump lip smile says. "I am Kim Seokjin."

Kim Namjoon, a man who seems to have really high intellect and surely has very cute dimples.

Min Yoongi, oh...that gummy smile. 

Jung Hoseok, why does this man looks like bursting ball of energy and radiating sunshine?

Jeon Jungkook, youngest, as he introduced himself. He looks innocent. Darn, what a cute bunny smile...

And I already have met Park Jimin.

Ok, so practically the most gorgeous people ever to walk on the face of the earth decided to become friends. Great.

I nod politely as each of them introduced themselves. Finally, we walk into the cinema hall. I take the corner seat.

Taehyung's POV

I can't believe it. Why do I have to be here?

OK, I admit I am fond of her, but this? Is universe conspiring or what?

I had told Jimin about her. Pretty more than I should have. Well, if he hadn't stepped in front of me, I guess Jiwoo would have nibbled off a piece of flesh from me.

And here we are inside the hall, Yoongi hyung sitting in the corner behind her, I to his side and Jimin to my other side.

I can see her. Slightly, through the gap between her seat and the one next to it.

She is already bored even before the movie has started. Am I the reason? Probably. I should not have gatecrashed their outing.

"Tae, she is your student. You know that, right?" Jimin whispers so that only I can hear. I realize I have been staring at the gap in the seats in front of us for quite some time. Staring at her.

"I know, but..."

"It's okay. Give it some time."

What does he mean?

Give time to what?

So that I would get over whatever this is?

Or that we will have something?


"Jimin-ah. Will you help me?" I say.

"With what?" He cocks up his eyebrow. Yes, I can notice that. Lights are not yet that dim.

"A bit of damage control. I don't want her to look out for chances to bite me off in the next few days. Can we......."


A/n: Hey guys! Another update. Apologies for the short one and for the cliffhanger as well. I am really enjoying writing this. Are you enjoying reading it? Please vote if you like this story. Thanks for reading.

Love you all!

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